Math 121       Study Guide for Hour Quiz #1         C.S.Davis

You are responsible for the subject matter in the three chapters and sections below. The following topics are the most important. Typical exercises from Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 7th ed, by Allyn J. Washington are assigned at the end of each objective. Work additional exercises if you need more practice. The answers to the odd numbered problems are in the back of the text.  These exercises are for practice and are not graded.  The problem sets found on the Algebra&Trig Welcome Page are graded in class.  See the Semester Plan for the current dates for the grading of the problem sets and taking of the hour quizzes.

1.3          Precision and Accuracy in Approximate numbers 


Determine whether numbers are approximate or exact.  P15#1,3


Determine the precision and accuracy of approximate numbers.  P15#5,7,9,11

3. Round off approximate numbers to a specified number of significant digits.  P15#17,23
4. Round off the answers to arithmetic problems involving approximate numbers.  P15#25,27,29,31,33,37,41

1.4          Exponents


Simplify expressions involving exponents.  P20#Scheme**

1.5          Scientific Notation


Change the form of numbers between scientific notation and ordinary notation.  P23#1-15 by the scheme**, 29,31,37

1.6          Roots and Radicals


Simplify expressions involving roots and radicals.  P25#1-33 scheme,37,39

2.1          Lines and Angles
1. Use terminology of lines and angles.   P51#1-7 odd
2. Solve simple angle problems.   P51#9-19 odd  
3. Use proportionality with the transversals of parallel lines.  P51#21,23,27
2.2          Triangles
1. Find angles, perimeter and areas of triangles.  P57#1-15 odd
2. Use Pythagorean Theorem.  P57#17-23 odd  
3. Solve word problems involving similar triangles and right triangles.  P57#29-35 odd
2.3          Quadrilaterals
1. Find perimeters and areas for selected quadrilaterals.  P61#1-15 odd
2. Find perimeters and areas for regions which can be broken down into triangles and quadrilaterals.  P61#17,19
3. Solve word problems involving similar quadrilaterals.  P61#21,23,25
2.4          Circles
1. Use the terminology of circles.  P64#1,3
2. Use the relationships among area, circumference, diameter, radius, angles and arcs to find some when others are given.  P64#519 odd, 25-35 odd
3 Convert between degree and radian measure of angles.  P65#21,23
2.5          Measurement of Irregular Areas
1. Use the trapezoidal rule to estimate area.  P68#1,5
2. Use Simpson's rule to estimate area.  P68#3,11
2.6          Solid Geometric Figures
1. Use the terminology of elementary solid geometric solids.
2. Find total surface area, lateral surface area and volume of important elementary solids.  P71#1-21 odd
3.1          Introduction to Functions
1. Given the verbal description or the function notation of a function, write the other.  P80#1-7 odd, 25-35 odd
2. Evaluate functions at numerical and symbolic values.  P80#9-23 odd
3.2          More about Functions
1. Find the domain and range for functions.  P84#1-11 odd, 29,31,33
2. Evaluate piecewise defined functions.  P85#13
3 Given the verbal description of a function, write its function notation.  P85#17,19,21,23
3.3          Rectangular Coordinates
1. Graph points that are either given or described.  P87#1-23 odd
3.4          The Graph of a Function
1. Use a T-table to graph functions.  P92#1,3,11,21,27,29,51
2. Use the vertical line test to determine whether a graph is that of function or just a relation.  P93#53-56
3.5          Graphs on the Graphing Calculator
1. Solve equations using the graphing calculator.  P96#1-15 scheme, 25,27
2. Find the range of a function.  P97#17,19,21
3.6          Graphs of Functions defined by Tables of Data
1. Given a table of values of a function, represent the data graphically.  P100#1,5
2. Use linear interpolation to estimate the function at intermediate values in the table.  P100#9,11,17
** Scheme means do the first two odd problems, then every other odd problem until the instructions in the exercises change.  Each time the instructions change, do the first two odd problems, then every other odd problem until the directions change again. For section 1.4, the scheme means 1,3,7,11,15,...,43,47, then 49,51,55,59.  If in doubt, do all of the odd exercises.