Math 201                       Class Policy Sheet for Spring, 2017                     Dr. C. S. Davis

1. Grading Scale - The tests are designed for the following grading scale:

90 - 100 A             80 - 90 B           70 - 80 C         60 - 70 D          Below 60 F

2. Grading Weights - There will be a number of hour quizzes (combining for about 40% of the grade), problem sets (about 20% of the grade), computer assignments (about 20% of the grade),  and a final exam (about 20% of the grade). Hour quizzes must be taken on time and problem sets and computer assignments must be turned in on time (no make-ups). The lowest hour quiz grade, the lowest problem set grade and the lowest computer assignment grade will be dropped except for those from the last chapter which will count.  To be considered on time, problem sets need to be delivered, faxed (410-777-2012) or scanned and e-mailed to me by the class time of the date due.

3. Homework - The academic regulations in the college catalogue state that a college student is expected to prepare 2 hours per week outside of class for every semester hour. This implies that for a 4 semester hour course a student is expected to do 8 hours per week of homework. To be successful you must practice until you can't easily make a "misteak".  Homework assignments and other information can be found on my web page,

4. Attendance - It is the student's responsibility to get all assignments and information for classes missed. This can be done by calling a classmate or by calling me at 410-777-2563 or e-mailing me at

5. Office hours - My office is located in the Math Building, room 231F. I will be glad to help you during any of the office hours listed below and at other times by appointment or on a drop-in basis when I am there.  

Monday 10:00am-11:30am,  11:30-12:00n in CRSC 190 Tuesday 6:00 - 7:00pm,  8:00 - 9:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am-11:30am,  11:30-12:00n in CRSC 190 Thursday 10:00 - 10:30am
Friday By Appointment

6. Math Labs - The Math Lab located in the Library, room Lib 102, is available to math students needing assistance with math, and the Math FIRS3T Lab in Careers 190 is available to help with both math and math software.  The Math Computer Lab located in Math 206 has the math software available but often does not have a lab tutor on duty.

7. Class Participation - Students are encouraged to participate seriously in discussions in class, including asking questions, giving answers, offering alternate solutions, etc. Extraneous comments, private conversations between students, and other disruptions, of course, are not permitted.

8. Honor - I urge you to work together and use references on all homework, problem sets and computer assignments. Hour quizzes and examinations are to exhibit what you can do by yourself. If you are a student who has cheated on tests in the past I seriously invite you to take tests honestly here. I have very strong feelings about honor.

9. Drugs and Alcohol - It is not normal to abuse alcohol or drugs. For information, call the Director of the Substance Abuse Education Program at 410-777-2527.

10. Class Expectation/Instructional Hour - A minimum expectation is that for every hour spent “in class,” you should plan to spend at least two hours “out of class” in preparation.  More important than how MUCH should someone study is HOW should someone study. Studying is a skill, and if students have not developed that skill, they may still struggle regardless of how much time they study.  More information about study skills including time management techniques can be found at:

11. Disability Support Services Statement: The Disability Support Services Office (DSS) provides equal access to educational opportunities for qualified students with disabilities. Students interested in course accommodations must provide relevant documentation in order to receive accommodations. For information, please call Courtney Sales, Program Manager for DSS, at 410.777.2306, email her at or visit Deaf and hard of hearing students can reach the office by calling Maryland Relay 711 or by emailing

12. Notice of Nondiscrimination: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact Suzanne Boyer, federal compliance officer at 410-777-1239 or or Felicia Patterson, Title IX coordinator at 410-777-2256, or Maryland Relay 711.