Outline of Attendance Tracking Report to TFO Oct 11, 2012


1. Fed Gov perceived fraud in FSA and enacted changes in law.

2. US DoEd changed regulations.

3. AACC Student Services reacted to new fed regs, created current AtTr system (in a vacuum).

4. TFO reacted with a request for inclusion in a reopening of the AtTr issue.

5. Admin formed AtTr Committee to include faculty-Morse, Hammel, Davis.

6. AtTr Committee met, studied regs, shared, conferred.

7. AtTr Committee concluded that info needed for Fed and VA is last date of attendance reported at regular intervals.

8. AtTr Committee Chair, John Grabowski has met with IT.  He reported that "They didn't run screaming from the room." 

9. AtTr Committee has recommended to Vice President Patterson two parallel reporting systems:

A. A MAXIMAL reporting system - the one we currently have:

We report daily attendance, Fin Aid Office uses the last date of attendance obtained from data.

B. A MINIMAL reporting system - At most five reportings during the semester, last date of attendance is reported for each period.

10. AtTr Committee awaits response from IT and President Lindsey