Some Possible Steps in FAC Topic Consideration

  1. FAC chair sends out wish list of topics from MHEC staff.
  2. Interested FAC members volunteer to form focus groups for various topics.
  3. A champion is chosen by focus group to be chair.
  4. Focus group chair receives the information/research that MHEC provides on topic.
  5. Focus group chair does limited further organizational research.
  6. Focus group chair forwards MHEC information to focus group
  7. Focus group reads.
  8. Focus group forms opinion substantiated with bullet lists of pros and cons.
  9. Focus group chair forwards opinion/pros/cons to FAC chair.
  10.  FAC chair places opinion/pros/cons on agenda and circulates opinions/pros/cons of committee to FAC.
  11. Members read opinions/pros/cons before next meeting.
  12. Topic is considered at next meeeting and acted on if FAC is ready.