Chatting with the Star Trek Crew


Instructor >>Hi Obi-Wan Kenobi...Hi Han Solo

Han Solo >>hello

Instructor >>Good to see some of "my" students here

Han Solo >>I am glad I made it

Instructor >>Hi Chewbacca

Chewbacca >>hello

Instructor >>Any questions from you all while we wait for others?

Instructor >>Hi Yoda

Chewbacca >>what we will be covering tonight?

Han Solo >>I think I have one

Instructor >>what would you like to cover....

Yoda >>Hello.

Chewbacca >>lipids and carbs

Instructor >>for sure...what aspects of lipids and carbs

Chewbacca >>whatever will be on the exam --ha

Instructor >>nice try :-)

Han Solo >>the recommended ratio Omega 3 to Omega ^ FA is 1:6

Chewbacca >>digestion

Han Solo >>?

Instructor >>the recommended is somewhere around 1:3 to 1:6....from what I have read.....I don't think we know exactly.....

(note: AI is 10 omega 6 fatty acids for each 1 omega-3 fatty acids (ratio 10:1) ...some experts think it should be more like 5:1 or even 3:1.  Prior to the invention of omega-6 rich vegetable oils, the ratio was more like 1:1 (equal amounts of both in diet). Currently the intake of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids is more than other words, more than 20 omega-6 fatty acids for each omega-3.)

Chewbacca >>major differences between saturated and unsaturated

*+**** Princess Leia-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:03:09 2007

Instructor >>Hi Princess Leia

Princess Leia >>Hi!

Chewbacca >>Is too much omega six harmful

*+**** Padme-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:03:32 2007

Instructor >>Okay...we will cover those topics and more

Yoda >>Unsaturated fats have C=C double bonds

Padme >>hello all

Han Solo >>thank you

Instructor >>Hmm...well total fat is linked epidemiologically and in animal studies with some cancers...but its hard to know about certain types of fats

Chewbacca >>okay

Instructor >>Hi Padme

Padme >>hi how are you?

Instructor >>Good...okay...fat digestion

Instructor >>what happens to lipids once they reach the small intestines...

Chewbacca >>they mix with bile

Instructor >>where does the bile come from?

Padme >>the pancreas

Princess Leia >>pancreas

Chewbacca >>liver

Yoda >>bile helps emulsify fats

Chewbacca >>no

*+**** Lando-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:06:16 2007

Instructor >>good....made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder and it is sent into the small intestines to emulsify or mix fat and water

Chewbacca >>aha

Han Solo >>pancreatic lipase break apart apart TG in MG ,Glycerol and free FA

Padme >>ok, so insulin is from the pancreas, and bile from the liver

Instructor >>good...that’s right

Princess Leia >>okay.

Instructor >>and insulin is not secreted into the GI is sent into the blood.

Padme >> it

Instructor >>what does the pancreas secrete into the GI tract (what generally type of compound)

Han Solo >>bile salts surround the MG and free FA

Lando >>insulin

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Sodium bicarbonate?

Yoda >>pancreatic lipase

Instructor >>what is lipase...what type of compound

Padme >>pancreatic lipase

Princess Leia >>enzyme

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Oh enzyme

Padme >>enzyme

Yoda >>enzyme

Han Solo >>enzyme

Chewbacca >>enzyme

Instructor >>yes...the pancreas secretes enzymes and bicarbonate during digestion.

Instructor >>In the case of lipid secretes lipase

Instructor >>what is the micelle and where is it formed?

Chewbacca >>cell membrane

Princess Leia >>micelle is fat drops surrounded by bile salts formed in the sm intestines?

Yoda >>fat transporter

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>A hydrophilic shell of bile around lipids that transport fats through the blood stream and is formed in the villi cells??

Han Solo >>the micelle is formed of bile salts surrounding the MG and free FA

Instructor >> it is a droplet of lipids coated with bile and it forms in the small intestines

Chewbacca >>a lipid droplet

Instructor >>the micelle contents then diffuse into the villi cell. What happens then?

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Goes through blood stream to liver?

Han Solo >>the MG and long chain free FA formed the TG

Princess Leia >>the fat reforms into triglycerides

Instructor >> the TG reforms...then what

*+**** Luke-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:11:34 2007

Princess Leia >>formation of lipoproteins?

Instructor >>which lipoprotein

Chewbacca >>lymph or travel into the blood

Princess Leia >>chylomicron

Instructor >>not yet

Han Solo >>along with cholesterol, phospholipids , TG and proteins form chylomicron

Instructor >> the TG reforms and joins with _______, _______ and _______ to make a chylomicron.

Instructor >>ah..Han Solo beat me to the punch

Chewbacca >>mixes with protein, phoshate andtg

Instructor >>so TG, cholesterol, protein and phospholipids form chylomicron and it goes where?

Yoda >>into the blood and lymph

Chewbacca >>lymph and blood

Princess Leia >>into lymph system

Instructor >>into the lymph and then eventually into the blood.

Princess Leia >>then blood at major arteries.

Han Solo >>lymph system and then blood

Instructor >>Which lipid compounds can pass directly into the blood without being transported via the chylomicron

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>LDL HDL?

Han Solo >>glycerol, short and medium free FA

Lando >>sterol

Yoda >>LDL

Instructor >>right Han Solo.

Instructor >>LDL and HDL are not part of lipid digestion...they form after the lipids get into the blood and make their way to the liver

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>OK

Instructor >>cholesterol does end up in the chylomicron in the villi cell.

Instructor >>Give the "fill-in-the-blank" self assessment activity a try under module five in the content should be able to do that without books and notes

Instructor >>which fatty acid is bent at the double bond?

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Trans

Lando >>cis

Chewbacca >>cis

Princess Leia >>cis

Han Solo >>the cis shape

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Jeez

Yoda >>Cis

Luke >>cis

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>I mean

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Cis

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Total accident

Instructor >>cis....good

Instructor >>what fatty acids have two or more double bonds

Han Solo >>unsaturated

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Unsaturated

Princess Leia >>polyunsaturated

Chewbacca >>unsaturated

Lando >>polyunsaturated

Luke >>polyunsaturated

Instructor >>polyunsaturated....that’s right

Padme >>polyunsat

Instructor >>which fatty acids have the first double bond three carbons from the free or methyl end?

*+**** C-3PO-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:16:56 2007

Princess Leia >>omega 3s

Lando >>omega-3

Padme >>omega 3

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Omega 3

Chewbacca >>omega three

Yoda >>Omega 3

Han Solo >>Omega 3 FA

Luke >>omega 3

C-3PO >>hi late ..because of class.

Instructor >>and are omega-3 fatty acids monounsaturated or polyunsaturated

Lando >>polyunsaturated

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Can't they be either?

Princess Leia >>poly

Chewbacca >>both

Yoda >>poly

Han Solo >>both

Padme >>both

C-3PO >>both

Instructor >> fatty acids are all polyunsaturated...they have three or more double bonds

C-3PO >>poly...i guess..

Padme >>oh ok

Chewbacca >>ahh man

Han Solo >>ok

Instructor >>what are the two essential fatty acids

Princess Leia >>Linoleic and linolenic

Yoda >>linolenic and Linoleic

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Linoleic and linolenic

Lando >>Linoleic and linolenic

Han Solo >>Linoleic and linolenic

C-3PO >>omega 3 and 6?

Padme >>Linoleic, linolenic

Instructor >>which is omega-3

Luke >>linoleic and linolenic

C-3PO >>linolenic

Han Solo >>linolenic

Yoda >>linolenic

Chewbacca >>omega and something

Padme >>linolenic

C-3PO >>linolenic is omega3. linoleic acid is omega 6

Lando >>linoleic

Instructor >>good....

Chewbacca >>which ones is it?

Instructor >>Which lipoprotein has the most protein in it? (LDL, VLDL, HDL, chylomicron)

Han Solo >>HDL

Luke >>HDL

Instructor >>its linolenic....sorry

Chewbacca >>thanks

Princess Leia >>HDL


Padme >>hdl

Chewbacca >>was it linoleic and omega three?

Instructor >>right...good....which lipoprotein is "dangerous" and should be lowered in the blood if its high.

Yoda >>LDL

Princess Leia >>LDL


Padme >>ldl

Han Solo >>LDL

Luke >>ldl

Chewbacca >>ldl

Instructor >>good....

Yoda >>it causes artery blockage

Instructor >>what is wrong with this fatty acid: 13 carbon, omega-9 trans fatty acid

Yoda >>not trans fat it's unsaturated

Princess Leia >>omegas cannot be trans?

Han Solo >>it heeds an even number

Chewbacca >>not enough carbons or wait no double bonds

Lando >>omega's only come in even numbers

Han Solo >>of carbons

Instructor >>needs an even number is correct....

C-3PO >>should be even number

Padme >>there is an odd number of carbons

Instructor >>its omega-9 so it has a double bond at the 9th carbon...that’s fine...its likely monounsaturated....and it could be trans if it was part of a hydrogenation process

Princess Leia >>i didn't know omegas could be trans.

Instructor >>whets wrong with this fatty acid: 18 carbon, omega-3 saturated fatty acid

Chewbacca >>me neither

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>It can't be saturated

Yoda >>can't be sat

Han Solo >>it can be saturated

Instructor >>omega just refers to where the double bond is...that’s all it means

Lando >>omega-3 is not saturated

Instructor >>it refers to where the first double bond is from the free end

Han Solo >>it can't be saturated I meant

Princess Leia >>got it :)

C-3PO >>should be unsaturated

Luke >>saturated fatty acids can't have a double carbon bond

Instructor >>right...if it has an omega designation.,.....which means where the first double bond its from the free end.....then it can't be saturated

Instructor >>fun, huh

Padme >>lots

Yoda >>:)

Chewbacca >>ohhhh

Instructor >>when we have an 18:2 fatty many hydrogens are missing (compared to an 18:0 fatty acid)

Chewbacca >>four

Lando >>2

Princess Leia >>four?

C-3PO >>4

Yoda >>4

Han Solo >>four

Luke >>4

Padme >>4

Instructor >>four is correct...for each double bond, we have 2 hydrogens missing

Instructor >>which oils have a fair amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in them?

Yoda >>veg

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Canola, Olive

Instructor >>be specific

Chewbacca >>olive peanut and canola

C-3PO >>olive, peanut, canola oil.

Chewbacca >>unsaturated

Instructor >>good...canola, peanut and olive......

Instructor >>which oil has a lot of saturated fatty acids in it

Padme >>canola

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Coconut

Lando >>coconut

Yoda >>coconut

Chewbacca >>coconut oil

Princess Leia >>coconut

Han Solo >>coconut

Chewbacca >>palm

C-3PO >>coconut

Instructor >>right...coconut or palm

Padme >>coconut

Instructor >>what is the coating of the LDL made of??

Chewbacca >>phospholipid

Princess Leia >>phospholipids

Han Solo >>phospholipids

C-3PO >>phospholipids.

Padme >>phospholipids

Luke >>phospholipids

Yoda >>and proteins

Instructor >>good...which part of the phospholipid is on the exterior interacting with water in the blood

Padme >>hydrophilic

Chewbacca >>hydrophilic

Yoda >>hydrophilic

C-3PO >>hydrophilic

Han Solo >>hydrophilic

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Hydrophilic phosphate group

Luke >>hydrophilic

Instructor >>right..which parts are hydrophilic

Padme >>the heads

Princess Leia >>phosphate group and glycerol

Han Solo >>the phosphate group

Luke >>glycerol and phosphate group

Yoda >>phos

Instructor >>good...the phosphate group and the glycerol.

Padme >>I guess the phosphate and glycerol

C-3PO >>glycerol. phosphate group

Instructor >>which part is facing into the center of the lipoprotein?

Princess Leia >>fatty acids

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Fatty acids

Yoda >>FA

C-3PO >>FA

Han Solo >>FA

Padme >>the hydrophobic fatty acids

Instructor >>excellent....where do we find cholesterol in foods

Luke >>hydrophobic. fatty acids

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Animal products

Princess Leia >>eggs

Yoda >>animal

Yoda >>animal

Han Solo >>animal foods

Chewbacca >>animal products

C-3PO >>animal product.

Padme >>animal product

Instructor >>good...animal products.....what are some roles of cholesterol in the body

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Cell membrane for communication with other cells

Han Solo >>part of the cell membrane

Yoda >>gets absorbed by fiber in the GI tract :)

Chewbacca >>vitamin d

Padme >>component of cell membrane

Instructor >>not absorbed but "attached to" or "caught up in"

Princess Leia >>bile acids

Instructor >>good. component of cell membrane, precursor to vitamin D and other hormones, part of bile.....excellent

Han Solo >>raw material for bile and several hormones

Instructor >>shall we switch to carbs

C-3PO >>sure.

Yoda >>ok

Padme >>fine by me

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Can I ask a question about insulin?

Instructor >>if a food has a high glycemic index....what can we conclude about it.

Instructor >>sure...anyone can throw out a question at any time...please do


Obi-Wan Kenobi >>It will make blood sugar spike?

Princess Leia >>high in starch?

Chewbacca >>ahh man pretty bad

Yoda >>spike in blood sugar

Han Solo >>it raises the blood glucose level

Instructor >> it will cause a substantial increase in blood sugar over time

Instructor >>good......

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>OK, just so I'm clear... Hyperglycemia is caused by an overload of glucose in the blood stream, and the pancreas produces insulin to help the cell membranes accept glucose. In the case of diabetes mellitus, for some reason the cells don't respond well to the insulin. With hypoglycemia, there isn't enough glucose in the blood, so the pancreas?? secretes glucagon to release stored glucose into the bloodstream, from glycogen stores?

Instructor >>okay....others want to respond to Obi-Wan Kenobi....give it a try

Instructor >>take it one point at a time

Instructor >>is she right about the meaning of hyperglycemia

Princess Leia >>I think the first sentence is accurate

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Or is it that glucagon tells the cells to release whatever glucose they have in them?

Yoda >>insulin is secreted as part of a positive feedback mechanism

Instructor >>right...hyperglycemia = high blood sugar.

Yoda >>from the high blood glucose levels

Chewbacca >>blood glucagon is when you have low blood sugar rightar is too high

Princess Leia >>The diabetes mellitus she described is type II

Instructor >>is she right about what insulin does?

C-3PO >>it allow glucose to enter into cells

Chewbacca >>yes

Instructor >> correct there as well.

Padme >>yes....

Han Solo >>yes

Instructor >>and Princess Leia is right....when the cells are resistant to insulin, this is type II diabetes

Instructor >>what causes type one??

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>No insulin

Princess Leia >>body doesn’t produce insulin

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Or not enough produced

Instructor >>right.....good

Padme >>lack of insulin prod

Han Solo >>no insulin production

C-3PO >>no insulin

Instructor >>now...hypoglycemia is what??

Yoda >>not enough insulin produced by pancreas

Princess Leia >>low blood sugar

Chewbacca >>low blood sugar

Padme >>low blood sugar

Luke >>low blood sugar

Yoda >>low blood glucose levels

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Low blood sugar, maybe over-active insulin?

Han Solo >>low blood sugar

Instructor >>good.....

C-3PO >>low blood gluse

Han Solo >>too much insulin

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Or under-active glucagon?

Chewbacca >>that is when glucagon is produced right

Instructor >>in a normal person, as blood glucose drops...what is the body's response

Yoda >>glucagon

Chewbacca >>glucagon

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Release glucagon

Han Solo >>glucagon

Luke >>release glucagon

Padme >>release glucagon

Instructor >>right..pancreas makes glucagon and it goes where to do what?

Yoda >>breaks down glycogen

C-3PO >>release glucagon and glycogen brake down to glucose.

Princess Leia >>in the liver?

Chewbacca >>ohh yeahhh i forgot

Padme >>breaks down glycogen

Han Solo >>breaks down glycogen from liver

Chewbacca >>liver

Instructor >>right glucagon goes to the liver and triggers the breakdown of glycogen to glucose so glucose in the blood can be replenished

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Okay, thanks everybody

Instructor >>so it looks to me like Obi-Wan Kenobi had it pretty correct....right.

Yoda >>yes

Han Solo >>yes

C-3PO >>right

Instructor >>hopefully the body will respond to rising or falling blood glucose levels before they would actually be classified as hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia

Instructor >>what type of chemical reaction joins two monosaccharides into a disaccharide

Han Solo >>condensation

C-3PO >>condensation

Luke >>condensation

Princess Leia >>condensation

Yoda >>condensation

Lando >>condensation

Instructor >>very good!!

Instructor >>I am going to name a tell me how it is classified

Instructor >>maltose

Yoda >>di

C-3PO >>starch

Luke >>di

Princess Leia >>disaccharide

Han Solo >>disacc

C-3PO >>oh..dissachride.

Instructor >>good...disaccharide.

Chewbacca >>disaccharide

Instructor >>hemicellulose

Han Solo >>simple sugar also

Yoda >>fiber

Yoda >>poly

Luke >>fiber

C-3PO >>fiber

Han Solo >>complex sugar

Princess Leia >>complex

Han Solo >>poly

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>complex poly fiber

Chewbacca >>starch

Instructor >>good....fiber....and complex carbohydrate

Padme >>condensation?

Instructor >>fructose

Yoda >>mono

C-3PO >>mono

Luke >>mono

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>simple

Chewbacca >>mono

Princess Leia >>mono simple

C-3PO >>simple, mono

Han Solo >>simple sugar mono

Instructor >>good...simple and monosaccharide

Padme >> computers acting up...sorry guys

Instructor >>glycogen

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Bummer

C-3PO >>complex, poly

Han Solo >>complex

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>animal complex

Han Solo >>poly

Yoda >>energy

Chewbacca >>complex

Luke >>poly

Instructor >>good...complex and polysaccharide

Instructor >>pectin

Chewbacca >>fiber

Yoda >>fiber

Luke >>fiber

Princess Leia >>complex poly

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>soluble fiber, complex, poly

Han Solo >>poly complex

C-3PO >>fiber complex

Yoda >>poly

Chewbacca >>complex

C-3PO >>fiber complex, poly

Instructor >>good ...complex, poly, fiber and soluble

Instructor >>wow., guys have learned a lot, huh!

Yoda >>yeas

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>I'll find out tomorrow

Instructor >>I will name a carbohydrate and you tell me where it is first broken down during digestion.

Instructor >>starch

Chewbacca >>so true

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Mouth

Yoda >>mouth salivary amylase

Luke >>mouth

Han Solo >>mouth

Chewbacca >>mouth

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Salivary amylase

Instructor >>good......sucrose

Chewbacca >>small intestine

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>GI tract

Yoda >>SI

Luke >>small intestine

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Sucrase

Instructor >>good...small intestines.....

Han Solo >>villi cells

Instructor >>glycogen (trick question)

Princess Leia >>...liver/muscles?

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>We all eat animals while they're still off and running though

C-3PO >>liver muscle

Chewbacca >>you don't eat

Chewbacca >>it

Han Solo >>we don't eat

Yoda >>humans don't eat this unless they eat LIVE animals

Chewbacca >>we produce it

Yoda >>ewwww

C-3PO >>don't already stored in the liver and muscles

Instructor >>right..don't eat this unless perhaps you like to eat animals while they are still breathing....

Princess Leia >>no thanks.

Instructor >>fiber

Chewbacca >>you can't

Princess Leia >>never

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Not by humans

Yoda >>complex poly

Padme >>doesn't get digested

C-3PO >>feces.

Han Solo >>large intestines a little

Instructor >>it does break down a

Padme >>well a small amount

Princess Leia >>except for bacteria in LI

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Bacteria in large intestine

Yoda >>in SI from bacteria

Instructor >>right...bacteria break some down

Chewbacca >>bacteria

C-3PO >>majority of fiber =feces?

Chewbacca >>bile

Yoda >>des is right in large intes

Instructor >>good....where is the bran on a kernel of grain

Chewbacca >>outside

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>The shell

Han Solo >>on the outside

C-3PO >>outside of the shell

Yoda >>outside

Padme >>outside

Instructor >>good.....

Instructor >>what causes lactose intolerance??

Princess Leia >>lack of lactase

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>No lactase

Yoda >>lack of lactase

Han Solo >>lack of lactase

Padme >>lack of lactase

Luke >>no lactase

Chewbacca >>inability to produce lactase

Padme >>to help break it down

C-3PO >>no lactase

C-3PO >>consume lactose but can't produce enough of the enzyme lactase

Instructor >> lactase enzyme or insufficient amount

Instructor >>how does soluble fiber lower blood cholesterol??

Chewbacca >>bind to it

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Cholesterol sticks to fiber

Yoda >>Chewbacca is right'

Padme >>in the large intestine, it binds to it

Princess Leia >>binds with bile to flush some of it out

Han Solo >>binds with cholesterol so it can't be reabsorbed

Instructor >>right. binds to cholesterol in GI tract....and where is the cholesterol that it is binding to coming from??

Yoda >>blood

Han Solo >>bile

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Animal products and liver

Chewbacca >>liver

Luke >>liver

Princess Leia >>a little from the diet?

Instructor >>bile (cholesterol rich substance from liver) and your diet

Padme >> liver

Chewbacca >>so liver would be marked wrong

Instructor >>lets compare and contract type one and type two diabetes. Give me one similarity

C-3PO >>soluble fiber binds with cholesterol in GI track and excreted in feces??? is that correct?

Instructor >>that’s right

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Both cause hyperglycemia if untreated

Han Solo >>high glucose level

Princess Leia >>both usually need supplemental insulin

Instructor >>it might be more correct to say both are "defined by" a high blood sugar level or hyperglycemia

Yoda >>healthy diet can help both

Chewbacca >>both can cause blindness

Padme >>both can be "controlled" by diet

Han Solo >>symptoms are somewhat alike

C-3PO >>both have same results.. like blindness , gangrene, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease?

Padme >>meds can be taken with both

Yoda >>polypro

Instructor >>okay...a few comments

Padme >>ok

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Development of both are impacted by genetics

Instructor >>type II doesn't usually need insulin in the first several years....then it may be necessary

Instructor >>type one cannot be controlled strictly by must take insulin shots to survive

Chewbacca >>both genetic

Instructor >>(or get insulin through pump, nasal spray, etc)

C-3PO >>so Type 1. No glucose can get into the cell without treatment because of no insulin..right?

Instructor >>right C-3PO

Chewbacca >>associated with obesity

Instructor >>there is a genetic aspect to both though neither is totally genetic

C-3PO >>Type 2. insulin is there but many cell receptors don't recognize it. right?

Instructor >>it is a combination of a genetic predisposition and environmental factors in both

Instructor >>only type II is associated with obesity

Chewbacca >>aha

Chewbacca >>not type one

Instructor >>C-3PO is right about type II......cells don't recognize insulin.

C-3PO >>how about the ketoacidosis... is that only type 1?

*+**** Yoda-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:53:01 2007

Padme >>and with type one, you must take insulin?

Instructor >>After many years, pancreas may stop producing insulin even in a type II diabetic

Instructor >>ketoacidosis is not only type one but its much less common in type II.

C-3PO >>ok thanks

Instructor >>you can see ketosis in type II but in my experience, it doesn't usually progress to ketoacidosis if the body is making adequate insulin.

Padme >>

Instructor >>in type one, you must take insulin ...yes

Lando >>yes

Padme >>oh ok

Chewbacca >>yes

Instructor >>okay....differences...what are they?

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>And ketosis is because the cells aren't breaking down glucose for energy and are breaking down fat instead?

Chewbacca >>only 5-10 percent of cases in are type one

Han Solo >>Type 1 young people

Yoda >>type ii is usually later in life

C-3PO >>Type 1 is more young people, Type 2 is elderly

Instructor >>ketosis is when the cells have to break down fat (and protein) in the absence of glucose

Princess Leia >>type one uncommon and more likely to be a quick deadly problem

Han Solo >>type 2 mature people

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>OK

Padme >>type 2, weight reduction is usually key

Instructor >>good......

C-3PO >>As we discussed. type 1. is weight loss, Type 2 is obesity.

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Type two can be greatly reduced through weight loss and proper diet

Padme >>type 1, need to coordinate insulin with carbs

Instructor >>good.

Padme >>more?

Instructor >>what about some of the consequences of diabetes....someone named some long-term consequences earlier.....what are some short term consequences

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Dizziness

Luke >>dehydration

Yoda >>dehydration

Instructor >>good...dehydration...why

Chewbacca >>fatigue

Princess Leia >>thirstiness

Luke >>frequent urination

Padme >>glycosuria

Lando >>frequent urination

Han Solo >>polyuria

Yoda >>glucose in urine

Chewbacca >>frequent urination

Han Solo >>polydipsia

Instructor >>why does this happen

Padme >>polyuria

Princess Leia >>because the excess glucose moves into the urine

Chewbacca >>or lack thereof

Han Solo >>too much glucose needs to be eliminated

Luke >>body uses fluid to release glucose from the body

Instructor >>right....the body needs to get rid of the excess glucose in the blood

Princess Leia >>and then you get dehydrated and are therefore thirsty

Instructor >> guys did great tonight....lots of fun....any other questions before we call it a night?

Padme >>not me, just have a lil more studying to do

C-3PO >>me too..need to study more.

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Yeah, likewise

Chewbacca >>what a workout

Luke >>yeah same here

Instructor >>well the chat can give you a good idea of where you stand

Han Solo >>the same

Lando >>Thank you, this has helped

Princess Leia >>yeah, this was very helpful

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Thanks

Instructor >>and its fun too

Padme >>it sure can, thanks

Han Solo >>thank you

Yoda >>good night thank you.

Luke >>thank you

C-3PO >>thanks.

Princess Leia >>thank you

Instructor >>thanks for coming.....good night to all

*-**** Yoda-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:59:44 2007

Chewbacca >>can we look at it before the exam tomorrow

Padme >>good night everyone

*-**** Princess Leia-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 20:59:50 2007

Obi-Wan Kenobi >>Good night

C-3PO >>good night..

Han Solo >>good night everyone

Instructor >>sure..I will post right now...will take about a half hour

*-**** Obi-Wan Kenobi-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:00:04 2007

Chewbacca >>thanks

*-**** Lando-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:00:13 2007

C-3PO >>ok..thanks.

*-**** Chewbacca-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:00:19 2007

*-**** Luke-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:00:21 2007

*-**** Han Solo-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:00:25 2007

*-**** Instructor-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:00:43 2007

*-**** Padme-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:01:12 2007

*-**** C-3PO-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Wed Oct 17 21:01:27 2007