Chat One – Fall 2007 – Modules 1-3
*+**** Instructor-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 19:57:21 2007
Instructor >>Hi Class, welcome to the chat session
Piglet >>hello
Instructor >>HI folks.....lets see ...we have two instructors here....
Instructor >>This is Dr.Somanchi, Hello
Piglet >>hello
Instructor >>Hi Dr. Somanchi....glad to see you
Eeyore >>This is my first chat I am not sure what to do
Instructor >>Okay we have Dr. Allen-Chabot (me) here and Dr. Somanchi here and all of you.
Rabbit >>hello all
Piglet >>same here first chat
Instructor >>I have e-mailed you the correct answers for HW 2
Rabbit >>how is everyone tonight?
Instructor >>Any questions for us before I start throwing out questions
Piglet >>this is for proc chester class right?
Piglet >>prof
Instructor >>Yes...
Piglet >>ok
Rabbit >>whoop. hehe. got booted for a sec
Piglet >>welcome back
Rabbit >>is anyone having any difficulties on anything?
Piglet >>no questions here at the moment
Instructor >>there are three online classes that use the same platform and several lecture classes as well......all are welcome to attend this chat
Piglet >>ok
Instructor >>Hi Amy, I am bit confused. How many Prof are online for this chat session? - Dr.Somanchi
Rabbit >>on the hw1, i actually had a little trouble on the last 5 questions. i missed two of them i think
Instructor >>Okay......I am going to throw out questions iin random order
Instructor >>There are two professors here.....Amy Allen-Chabot and Meena Somanchi
Instructor >>Dr. Chester may join us as well.
Piglet >>sorry
Rabbit >>i wish i was a doctor >_<
Instructor >>okay.....which number is likely to be larger....the EAR or the RDA?
Instructor >> can also be a just have to stay in school for years on end and make no money
Owl >>RDA
Rabbit >>RDA
Rabbit >>ear is an estimate.. so it may be lower than the required...rda , right?
Owl >>b/c they are set high to cover the majority of population
Instructor >>The ERA is an average intake recommendation....the RDA is designed to cover 98% of the population...not the 50% that the EAR covers.
Rabbit >>yea, that. hehe. there ya go..
Instructor >>A food has 420 kcalories and 15 grams of fat. What is the percent kcalories from fat?
Owl >>32 %
Instructor >>That is right. RDA is 2 standard deviations of EAR
Piglet >>28%?
Instructor >>Good did you get that number
Rabbit >>i got 32 percent as well, Owl.
Rabbit >>here's how i got my answer..
Instructor >>How did you get it.....a 2-step process
Owl >>15g times 9 Calories/gram =135 then 135 divided by 420
Rabbit >>fat , lipids, contain 9kcalper.. gram
Rabbit >>so you do 9 times 5..
Eeyore >>15 fat grams x 9 = 135 divid by 420
Rabbit >>parts per whole, 9*5 / 420.. =.321428
Instructor >> convert grams to kcalories so we are talking about the same units...then divide the part (fat kcalories) by the whole (total kcalories)
Piglet >>ok i see now
Instructor >>What is the role of the stomach in digestion?
Rabbit >>9*15. not five lol
Owl >>break down food and prepare for absorption
Rabbit >>the stomach uses it's low ph acids to break down foods..
Instructor >>not quite...but you are on the right track
Instructor >>Which are broken in the low pH?
Rabbit >>which what?
Instructor >>lets see.....the muscles of the stomach mix up the food
Kanga >>the stomach absorbs the nutrients
Instructor >>what does the acid do?
Instructor >>Sorry, which nutrient is broken at low pH
Instructor >>doesn't break up food or absorb it but it does de_____ proteins
Rabbit >>destroy
Rabbit >>detoxify
Owl >>nature
Instructor >>destroy because it denatures
Instructor >>what does denature mean?
Rabbit >>oh. that was a guess.
Rabbit >>what does denature mean
Eeyore >>changes the protien
Instructor >>changes in what way
Instructor >>denature means to uncoil....the acid causes the protein to lose its shape...and this destroys its function
Eeyore >>breaks the bonds so our body can use it?
Rabbit >>is it extracted from food?
Instructor >>acid doesn't really break significant bonds between amino acids or other macronutrients
Instructor >>to break bonds, what compound is needed?
Owl >>pepsin
Instructor >>right...we need enzymes to make significant headway in breaking apart the macronutrients....
Instructor >>Can you give a general name?
Owl >>enzyme
Instructor >>Good
*+**** Roo-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:12:50 2007
Instructor >>Pepsin is an enzyme released in the stomach
Instructor >>Okay......what is the leading cause of death in the US
Instructor >>Which part of the Gi do nutrients get absorbed?
Rabbit >>intestines?
Owl >>heart disease
Instructor >>Be specific
Owl >>small intestine
Instructor >>good Owl....thats right for leading cause of death
Instructor >>small intestine is right
Instructor >>good....
Rabbit >>stepanie is on a role:)
Owl >>thanks
Owl >>this is helping me study
Rabbit >>me too!!
Rabbit >>glad i was able to make it here tonight!
Instructor >>a study that matches people with a disease to people without a disease is called a _________ study
Instructor >>(yes...this should really help you focus)
Instructor >>chats are very fun!
Owl >>case control
Roo >>case control is right
Instructor >>good...cases of x disease matched to case-contro
Instructor >>how does a cohort study differ from a cross-sectional study?
Roo >>cohort study a group that has something in common, a cross-sectional study is population study
*-**** Roo-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:17:07 2007
Instructor >>well....what is an example of "something in common"?
Rabbit >>group a all dies from a side effect?
Owl >>something in common is that they study many different things about a population
Instructor >>what key words might you look for to decide if a study is cohort? Did you look at the decision tree schematic
Rabbit >>oops
*+**** Tigger-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:18:33 2007
Instructor >>its not soo much that one group has something in common and one doesn't....
Instructor >>both are generally large studies with big numbers of subjects but they differ in approach.
Instructor >>one collects information and immediately analyzes it to find associations....which one is that?
Owl >>relationships between lifestyle and disease are determined after many years in cohrt study
Instructor >>the other study collects informaiton then follows people for many years and then sees what they get sick or die of and THEN looks for associations
Owl >>that would be cross sectional
Instructor >>If a group is followed into the future for many years.....its cohort
Owl >>second one is cohort
Instructor >>So: collect information ----> follow for years ---> collect information on health -------> look for associations This is a cohort model
Instructor >>Give an example of a nutrient which has no RDA but has AI
Instructor >>collect information about health and lifestyle, diet etc. and then immediately look for associations = cross sectional study
Instructor >>does this make sense......
Rabbit >>yes
Owl >>Calcium
Instructor >>It sure is
Rabbit >>can we just conclude that cohort is long term, and cross sectional is short.
Instructor >>a cohort study tends to collect info on healthy folks........then follows them to see what they get sick with.....then looks for associatons
Instructor >>I hate to oversimplify it too much but yes....that rubric would likely work
Rabbit >>>_< im a guy. thats how my mind works
Instructor >>and a case-control is different because it actually matches folks with a disease to those without.
Instructor >>:-)
Instructor >>Okay.....what does double blind mean?
Kanga >>nobody knows who the control is and who the experimental group is
Kanga >>niether is know
Kanga >>known
Owl >>neither the subjects or the pill giver knows who has placebo
Instructor >>someone knows.....but the person actually administering the treatment and the folks receiving the treatment don't know....some researcher in a back room knows
Rabbit >>yea. scientiest and subjects are unaware
Instructor >>good.
Instructor >>a label says the food is low fat......the food has 4.5 grams of fat per the label accurate
Owl >>no
*+**** Winnie -- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:25:34 2007
Rabbit >>no
Tigger >>no
Rabbit >>low fat must be
Owl >>must be les than 3 grams of fat to be "low fat"
Rabbit >>less than 3 grams
Kanga >>no
Kanga >>you all are fast
Instructor >>good......a label says this food has lutein and lutein helps maintain healty vision. What type of claim is being made?
Rabbit >>health claim?
Owl >>structure/function
Rabbit >>oh..
Instructor >>(remember...when you see "health calim" think "disease claim"....if its a health claim, it should name a disease or disorder
Instructor >>good...structure function claim.
Rabbit >>oh.. what are the other caims?
Kanga >>implied
Kanga >>is another type
Instructor >>what does "implied" refer to? Not familiar with that....does the text talk about it.
Winnie >>which chapter can I find the claims?
Kanga >>yes it says that implied claims are prohibited when they wrongfully imply that a food contains or does not contin a meaningful level of a nutrient
Tigger >>I thought there was only a health claim and a structure/function claim?
Instructor >>The three we talk about are "health claim (inclidng qualified health claim), structure function claims and nutrient claims.
Kanga >>page 59 in the text
Instructor >>Not sure where they are in the book but they are laid out in the online lecture
Winnie >>thanks
Instructor >>low fat is a "nutrient claim"
Instructor >>Interesting Kanga...that is correct....
Instructor >>page 59: Implied claim : these are prohibited when they wrongly imply that a food contains or does not contain a meaninful level of a nutrient
Instructor >>a food has 850 milligrams of sodium and the DV for sodium is 2400 milligrams. What is the percent daily value for sodium in a serving of this food
Owl >>35 %
Winnie >>35
Winnie >>beat me to it...
Instructor >> did you get this answer
Winnie >>divide the consumed amount by the recommended
Instructor >>good...or we can say that 850/2400 = x/100 and cross multiply
Instructor >>IF a food has 45% of the Daily value for saturated fat, how much saturated fat is in one serving of the food.
Owl >>9
Owl >>grams
Instructor >>what do the rest of you say??
Instructor >>(remember that we do not need to do any conversions from grams to kcalories....everything in the labeling math is in weight amounts)
Winnie >>well, 9 is the amount of kcal in fat....
Instructor >>good.....but we don't need to know that for this problem.....we just need to know what 45% of 20 grams is since this food as 45% of the DV for sat. fat ...which is 20 g
Instructor >>what is 50% of 20 grams...
Kanga >>10 grams?
Instructor >>yes.....50% of $20.00 is $10.00...right
*+**** Darby-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:35:32 2007
Instructor >>so we know that the number we are looking for is slightly less than 10 grams
Instructor >>so how did Owl come up with 9 grams...someone other than Owl tell me
Owl >>:(
Winnie >>.45 * 20
Kanga >>she took 45% of 20
Winnie >>or 0.45 (times) 20
Winnie >>which does equal 9
Darby >>so what are we doing right now?
Instructor >>right....good.....she just multiplied 20 grams by .45
Instructor >>we are revewing labeling math
Darby >>ok..thanks.
Instructor >>Okay.......what are some things that the meditterranean pyramid has in common with the Harvard pyramid
Instructor >>(if anyone iswatching the Redskins must tell me if they score)
Darby >>mediterranean is not specify whole grains use olive oil.?
Instructor >>I know you young folks can really multitask
Owl >>Whole grains & plant oils are important
Instructor >>whole grain and plant oils are important in which one?
Darby >>harvard use plant oils.
Instructor >>Yes....and med highlights just one plant oil....which is olive
Instructor >>and as Darby points doesn't specifically focus on whole grains
Instructor >>what are some similarities
Kanga >>I will, even though I am a cowboys fan
Instructor >>how about fruits and veggies.....
Owl >>both on same level of importance in pyramid
Instructor >>good.....and tell me how they approach red meat?
Tigger >>red meat is at tip of pyramid in the mediterranen pyramid
Owl >>red meat should eaten only on occasion
Instructor >> about the Harvard
Rabbit >>should we need to know both pyramids for the test wed?
Instructor >>all three....
Rabbit >>oh, theres three..oops.
Rabbit >>canada has one as well, right?
Darby >>USDA?
Rabbit >>oops.
Owl >>canada has the rainbow
Instructor >>you should be able to compare and contrast them and you should know the recommendations for the USDA one...
Darby >>USDA has levels in vertical lines.
Instructor >>what does the USDA pyramid say for much should be whole grain?
Owl >>50%?
Instructor >>You don't need to know Canada;s
Instructor >>right....what does it recommend regarding dairy
Instructor >>According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, what do we need to be careful about consuming too much of?
Owl >>dairy intake should be low fat or fat free
Darby >>fat?
Rabbit >>fiber?
Instructor >>good....
Rabbit >>haha
Instructor >> dairy should be low fat
Rabbit >>oh. or nutrients in general..?
Rabbit >>hm
Instructor >>we need to consume fat sensibly....what else
Instructor >>we need to get enough fiber....
Owl >>should be healthy fats NOT bad saturated fats
Instructor >>you all can guess this....what nutrients or foods do we need to be a bit careful about
Winnie >>high fat, high calorie foods....
Owl >>sugar, sodium, empty calories
Instructor >> careful about total fat, saturated fat, ________, __________, _________, ________
Kanga >>sodium
Owl >>trans fat
Instructor >>good...sugar, sodium, alcohol, trans fat, cholesterol.
Owl >>alcohol
Instructor >> want to prove that calcium reduces colon polyps., you interview 100,000 people and then follow them for years and then see if the calcium they ate is correlated to the number of polyps they get. What type of study? Whats wrong with using this study to prove that hypothesis?
Winnie >>the study is lacking a control...
Instructor >>what type of study??
Owl >>cohort: too specific though should include several diseases. Might have an easier time doing cross sectional
Winnie >>its a cohort
Instructor >> its a cohort. It is lacking a control because it is an observational study.....
Instructor >>what type of study do you need to prove the hyppthesis I stated?
Owl >>case control?
Winnie >>i agree with case control...
Tigger >>sounds like case control fits
Instructor >>Only one type of study can control for all other variables so that you can be certain that the variable in question is directly impacting the outcome
Winnie >>human intervention study?
Instructor >>case control does not do this
Instructor >>good...a well controlled intervention study.
Instructor >>Only intervention studies can truly get at cause and other words that one thing directly affects another thing
Owl >>makes sense
Instructor >>case control approaches this but when you match people with breast cancer to controls without breast cancer.....its impossible to uncover every possible difference between the two you can't be certain that differences actually cause the condition
Instructor >>again....people wearing pantihose are far more likely to get do pantihose cause pregnancy?? How could we find out?
Rabbit >>no. we could find out..through intervention study
Rabbit >>it could be an epidemiologic claim, right? like, a myth...a rumor.. but theres no sure proof to back it up
Instructor >>right....if we matched pregnant women with non-pregnant women....would we likely see a difference in pantihose wearing (at least prior to pregnancy)?
Instructor >>so case-control wouldn't work here.
Instructor >>why is it that people wearing pantihose are more likely to get pregnant?
Winnie >>because they're female....
Instructor >>right!
Rabbit >>right ; )
*-**** Tigger-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:57:24 2007
Instructor >>we could find out that pantihose were not causing pregnancy with an intervention study....we would just discover that when you held everything else constant and had some women wear pantihose and some did not affect pregnancy rates
Instructor >>Okay.....we've reviewed quite a bit here.....any questions before we quit for tonight. Please let me know who your professor is before signing off so I can send them a note that you were here.
Instructor >>Was this helpful
*-**** Christopher Robin--Brady left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:58:25 2007
Rabbit >>hmm.. let me check
*-**** Rabbit-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:58:44 2007
Owl >>Yes
Winnie >>dr. deirdra chester
*+**** Christopher Robin--Brady entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:58:55 2007
*+**** Rabbit-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 20:58:57 2007
Winnie >>thanks for the help!
Rabbit >>my prof
Kanga >>mine is Deirdra Chester
Rabbit >>is 2007FA: BIO 135, 891 meena somanchi
Kanga >>thanks!
Instructor >> I made a note of students who are on chat
Rabbit >>thanks for the chat! learn a lot
Christopher Robin Brady>>mine is meena somanchi
Piglet >>dr chester
Winnie >>one thing...
Rabbit >>i hope the test isn't this detailed!! hehe
Instructor >>Good Dr. Somanchi.....I'll let Dr. Chester know who was here
Winnie >>where can I find the mediterranean pyramind??
Instructor >>It is...the test is quite detailed
Instructor >>there should be a link in the online it not there?
*-**** Kanga-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:00:09 2007
Instructor >>there is a link for the med pyramid
Darby >>oh.
Darby >>me.
Winnie >>oh, I looked in the book for the food pyramids...there's only the korean, america and canadian
Instructor >>I encourage all to focus on the online lecture more than the book
Winnie >>good note
Winnie >>thanks
Darby >>my computer is so slow..
Instructor >>the book is just back up and filler....the online lecture contains the key information.
Rabbit >>ok.
Darby >>just let you know.. my professor is amy allen chabot.
Rabbit >>i'll keep this in md
Rabbit >>mind
Rabbit >>thanks prof!
Darby >>online class.. taking.
Rabbit >>i have prof. meena somanchi. g'nite all
*-**** Winnie -- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:01:42 2007
Instructor >>Good Darby...I recognize you and Owl
*-**** Rabbit-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:01:48 2007
Instructor >>Good nite and good luck
Piglet >>nite all
Darby >>thanks..
Instructor >>good night...thanks for coming...transcripts will be posted with just first names
*-**** Piglet-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:02:16 2007
Owl >>goodnight :) thanks for study help
*-**** Owl-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:02:26 2007
*-**** Instructor-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:02:30 2007
*-**** Darby-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:02:31 2007
*-**** Christopher Robin--Brady left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:02:32 2007
*-**** Instructor-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Mon Sep 17 21:02:39 2007
Session in ANPH0002007FA_Room3 ended (all participants have left).
Time: Mon Sep 17 21:02:39 2007