Chatting with some of our favorite Disney Characters.

New session has begun in ANPH0002007FA_Room3.

Time: Tue Nov 13 19:28:57 2007


Instructor >>Hi all...good to see you are things?

Instructor >>welcome to the chat.....I am Amy Allen-Chabot, the nutrition program coordinator and regular chat leader......for those of you who don't know me yet.

Instructor >>Any topics you would like me to focus on this evening?

Instructor >>Okay....I will throw out questions and you can take a stab at them....lets start with module 6

Tigger >>ok

Goofy >>k

Tigger >>I’m ready :)

Cinderella >>cool

Cinderella >>lol

Instructor >>Proteins are made of what?

Tigger >>amino acids

Cinderella >>amino acids

Pluto >>amino acids

Eeyore >>what are amino acids?

Mickey Mouse >>amino acids

Winnie the Pooh >>amino acids

Instructor >>good....amino acids are made of what?

Mickey Mouse >>peptide bonds

Chip >>An amino group, an acid group, an R group...

Pluto >>peptide bonds

Tigger >>peptide bonds

Snow White >>amino groups, carboxylic acids, hydrogen carbon and r group

Tigger >>elements

Cinderella >>acid, amino group , carbon

Instructor >>okay....made of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen

Instructor >>and made of subgroups called amino group, acid group, central carbon with hydrogen and side group

Instructor >>what links amino acids together?

Tigger >>peptide bonds

Cinderella >>peptide bonds

Donald Duck >>carbon

Pluto >>peptide bonds

Winnie the Pooh >>peptis

Snow White >>peptide bonds

Goofy >>peptide bonds

Snow White >> bonds

Instructor >>right....peptide bonds.

Instructor >>where is the recipe to make proteins?

Winnie the Pooh >>DNA

Cinderella >>dna

Pluto >>dna

Snow White >>dna nucleus

Mickey Mouse >>dna

Eeyore >>D.N.A.

Tigger >>dna

Donald Duck >>dna

Instructor >>right....DNA is the recipe and it is found in the nucleus of the cell

Instructor >>when we eat a protein.....where does digestion start?

Tigger >>mouth

Cinderella >>stomach

Goofy >>stomach?

Winnie the Pooh >>stomach

Eeyore >>esophogus

Donald Duck >>stomach

Pluto >>stomach

Snow White >>stomach

Instructor >>chemical digestion starts in the stomach....what two compounds are secreted there for protein digestion

Snow White >>pepsin

Cinderella >>pepsinogen

Winnie the Pooh >>pepsin

Snow White >>hcl

Winnie the Pooh >>hcl

Mickey Mouse >>hcl

Pluto >>pepsin and ?

Cinderella >>hcl converts pepsinogen to pepsin

Snow White >>hcl activates pepsin

Instructor >> HCl is secreted and it denatures proteins and converts inactive pepsinogen to active pepsin

Instructor >>what is pepsin? What type of compound?

Snow White >>enzyme

Mickey Mouse >>enzyme

Pluto >>enzyme

Cinderella >>enzyme

Donald Duck >>enzyme

Tigger >>enzyme

Instructor >>excellent.....and what does denature mean?

Snow White >>protein enzyme

Mickey Mouse >>take apart

Winnie the Pooh >>

Cinderella >>straighten out, change shape

Pluto >>to break down

Donald Duck >>to stop the reaction by breaking down?

Snow White >>disrupt function

Goofy >>unfolds and changes shape

Tigger >>break down?

Eeyore >>to change the s (shape)

Mickey Mouse >>breaks H s

Instructor >>unfold or uncoil.....but not break down......just as you might unwind a ball of string..without cutting the string

Tigger >>oh ok

Instructor >>the enzyme will do the cutting....think of enzymes as either sizzors or staples

Pluto >>right...

Instructor >> this unwound string of amino acids...broken up a bit by pepsin...travels on to the small intes.

Instructor >>what happens there?

Cinderella >>acid is neutralized

Mickey Mouse >>further digested?

Tigger >>and then...

Instructor >>be specific

Cinderella >>digestion continues

Pluto >>goes back into a protein

Tigger >>absorbed into blood?

Snow White >>pancrease and si tract cells secrete proteases ehcih breakdown proteins further

Snow White >>into amino acids

Eeyore >>they are absorbed

Instructor >>good....Snow White

Eeyore >>o and also pancreas and si tract cells secrete proteases into amino acids

Instructor >>the proteins are further broken by enzymes from the pancreas

Instructor >>to di and tripeptides

Instructor >>what is a dipeptide?

Cinderella >>2 h s?

Winnie the Pooh >>two amino acids

Snow White >>enzymes on the si tract hydrolyze remaining proteins in to amino acids for absorption

Goofy >>two peptides?

Mickey Mouse >>2 peptides

Pluto >>two peptide s coming together

Tigger >>2

Instructor >>that’s what it sounds like but its really two amino acids linked by one peptide

Donald Duck >>two

Cinderella >>okay, ty

Snow White >>two amino acids linked by peptide s

Instructor >>a tripeptide is three amino acids linked by a peptide

Cinderella >>by one peptide ?

Instructor >>so these di and tripeptides are then converted to individual amino acids by enzymes located in the cell membrane of the villi cell.

Donald Duck >>two, right..?

Instructor >>oops....two peptides s for a tripeptide

Donald Duck >>ok

Cinderella >>ok, thx

Tigger >>ok

Tigger >>thank you

Pluto >>good

Instructor >>(amino acid) peptide (amino acid) peptide (amino acid)

Tigger >>i see

Instructor >>once the amino acids are in the body....and in the cell....where is protein synthesis actually taking place

Cinderella >>mRNA

Tigger >>muscles

Winnie the Pooh >>ribosome

Tigger >>i means in the cell

Snow White >>at the ribosomes

Eeyore >>ribosome

Pluto >>ribosome

Instructor >>at the ribosome inside the cell......

Instructor >>what compound brings the amino acids to the ribosome to be incorporated into a protein?

Cinderella >>tRNA

Pluto >>mRNA

Mickey Mouse >>trna

Goofy >>tRNA

Winnie the Pooh >>mRNA

Snow White >>mrna

Winnie the Pooh >>i mean tRNA

Instructor >>tRNA....transfer RNA or "taxi" RNA

Eeyore >>tRNA!

Instructor >>good

Pluto >>sorry I was thinking about the memory

Instructor >>once a protein is made, it folds in a very specific way based on the amino acids in the chain. What is the major factor influencing the way the protein folds? (tough one!)

Snow White >>hydrogen s

Cinderella >>Need of the body?

Donald Duck >>slight charges?

Mickey Mouse >>RNA

Winnie the Pooh >>hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids

Instructor >>good Winnie the Pooh.....

Eeyore >>hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids

Instructor >>It folds largely based on the hydrophilic (water loving) or hydrophobic (eater hating) nature of the side chain of each amino acid.

Instructor >>in a globular protein...where might you find the hydrophobic amino acids

Pluto >>thank you..I forgot that

Snow White >>inside

Chip >>On the inside

Cinderella >>inside

Winnie the Pooh >>towards the center

Mickey Mouse >>inside?

Tigger >>insides

Instructor >>right...on the inside ...away from the watery fluid surrounding the protein...makes sense....

Instructor >>what are some roles of proteins in the body?

Chip >>Enzymes

Snow White >>structure

Winnie the Pooh >>transports

Chip >>Hormones

Snow White >>antibodies

Cinderella >>stabilize fluids

Tigger >>energy

Donald Duck >>builds muscle

Pluto >>energy

Winnie the Pooh >>buffers

Donald Duck >>converts to glucose sometimes

Instructor >>good.....lots of roles.....

Snow White >>carriers

Eeyore >>provide energy and build mass

Tigger >>maintain muscles

Tigger >>immune system

Snow White >>ph

Instructor >>how does kwashiorkor differ from marasmus?

Tigger >>ph balance

Tigger >>i have a question

Snow White >>marasmus kcal deficiecy

Instructor >>go ahead Tigger

Cinderella >>other is protein deficiency

Snow White >>kwashiorkor=protein deficiency

Tigger >>the book said when your working out trying to build muscle (like bodybuilder), you only need to eat about 10 more grams of protein a day. Why do body builder take so many protein drinks and things like that

Tigger >>does it all just get urinated out?

Instructor >> marasmus is severe kcal and protein deficiency but kwashiorkor is more of a true protein deficiency without necessarily having a deficiency of kcals

Chip >>They probably think it's just going to blow their muscles up like balloons.

Instructor >>the extra protein that those body builders take in (above what they need to build muscle) is not used for musle so what happens to it class?

Chip >>Storage

Pluto >>fat

Winnie the Pooh >>stored as fat

Tigger >>you cant store protein?

Eeyore >>no

Eeyore >>protein cant be stored

Mickey Mouse >>stored as fat

Eeyore >>that why you have to eat it every 3 to 4 hours

Pluto >>it is stored as fat

Snow White >>stores as fat

Instructor >>can't store protein so it will have the nitrogen removed and then the carbon skeleton will be used for energy or stored as fat.

Instructor >>what happens to the nitrogen?

Tigger >>peed

Tigger >>out

Donald Duck >>wasted

Mickey Mouse >>excreted

Goofy >>excreted as urine

Cinderella >>becomes NH2

Chip >>Converted in the liver first

Cinderella >>then NH3 and onto urea

Pluto >>it is combined with hyrdogen

Cinderella >>out through the urine

Winnie the Pooh >>converted to urea in liver and excreted by kidneys in urine

Instructor >>converted to NH3 and then to urea in the liver....then excreted through kidneys.

Donald Duck >>that’s right. It’s converted first. i forgot that

Instructor >> kwashiorkor or marasmus...we have identified one difference...others??

Cinderella >>physical symptoms?

Snow White >>k=swollen belly

Pluto >>usually one is because of lack of mothers milk

Snow White >>m=starving look

Mickey Mouse >>swollen belly

Winnie the Pooh >>marasmus=emaciated

Cinderella >>K= fatty liver

Instructor >> marasmus is a wasted look and kwashiorkor is often an edemic or swollen look

Instructor >>why the fatty liver in kwashiorkor?

Snow White >>?

Cinderella >>not enough protein to make lipoproteins to transport fat away

Winnie the Pooh >>fats can't get transported out b/c of no proteins to transport them

Instructor >>good job!

Instructor >>no proteins to make lipoprotein fat transport vehicles.

Instructor >>okay.....lets switch to energy

Tigger >>k

Instructor >>which macronutrients can be converted to pyruvate?

Snow White >>glucose

Cinderella >>glucose and protein

Tigger >>no clue

Mickey Mouse >>vits

Winnie the Pooh >>glucose

Snow White >>glycerol

Donald Duck >>glucose is one

Snow White >>amino acids

Donald Duck >>i thought protein was the one that couldn't

Instructor >> glucose, glycerol and some amino acids....but not fatty acids. Why not fatty acids??

Donald Duck >>i don’t remember

Snow White >>because they enter the acetyl-CoA

Goofy >>b/c acetoyl CoA can't be converted to pyruvate?

Instructor >>right...because fatty acids break down to acetyl CoA and acetyl CoA cannot be converted to pyruvate....

Instructor >>how might we make fat from glucose....what are the major intermediaries in that process.

Instructor >>glucose -----> ______________-----------> ________________ -----> fatty acids

Snow White >>pyruvate to acetyl CoA to acetyl 2 carbons at a time

Instructor >>good job......

Snow White >>then to a fatty acid

Goofy >>glucose---->pyruvate--->acetyl CoA--->fatty acids

Instructor >>glucose gets converted to pyruvate (more than one reaction) and then pyruvate gets converted to acetyl CoA

Instructor >>the CoA is then removed from the acetyl and the remaining 2 carbons are used to construct fatty acids

Instructor >>what does REE or BMR refer to?

Snow White >>resting energy expenditure

Winnie the Pooh >>basal metabolic rate

Goofy >>ree= resting energy expenditure

Pluto >>resting energy

Instructor >>meaning??

Snow White >>basal metabolic rater

Goofy >>bmr = basal metabolic rate?

Mickey Mouse >>basal met. rate

Cinderella >>resting energy

Chip >>How many calories you burn at rest

Eeyore >>how many you burn just to stay alive

Pluto >>the functioning of our lungs, heart beats, etc.

Instructor >> many kcals you burn in an unfed resting state

Winnie the Pooh >>energy needed to stay alive

Pluto >>75% or total kcal intake

Instructor >>good....I will name some things and you tell me if its activity, TEF (thermic effect of food) or REE

Instructor >>breathing

Eeyore >>ree

Cinderella >>ree

Goofy >>ree?

Pluto >>Ree

Mickey Mouse >>REE

Snow White >>ree

Instructor >>good.....amylase breaking down starch in the GI tract

Chip >>tef

Eeyore >>tef

Goofy >>tef?

Snow White >>tef

Winnie the Pooh >>tef

Pluto >>tef

Mickey Mouse >>TEF

Cinderella >>tef

Instructor >>insulin being produced

Mickey Mouse >>REE

Cinderella >>tef

Goofy >>ree

Snow White >>tef

Winnie the Pooh >>tef

Pluto >>ree

Snow White >>maybe ree

Instructor >>tough one huh...I'm not sure myself how one might categorize that..I guess if insulin is a direct result of glucose from diet...its TEF ....but if its baseline insulin secreted in an unfed state, its BMR.

Snow White >>tricky

Chip >>lol

Mickey Mouse >>Pretty tricky

Instructor >> does age affect REE

Chip >>Higher when younger

Cinderella >>ree drops as we age

Chip >>Tend to have more lean muscle mass

Tigger >>lower when older

Snow White >>the older you are the lower your ree

Chip >>more*

Donald Duck >>older lower due to lower activity

Pluto >>lower when we get older

Winnie the Pooh >>decreases with age

Mickey Mouse >>Need less cal as you age

Winnie the Pooh >>less lean body mass

Donald Duck >>teenagers/young adults tend to have the highest REE's

Instructor >>decreases with age due in large part to less muscle muscle burns a lot of kcals even at complete rest.

Instructor >>how does fever affect BMR

Chip >>Raises it

Cinderella >>increases

Snow White >>increses b,r

Eeyore >>raise

Snow White >>BMR

Instructor >>right....

Chip >>Body has to work harder to keep an optimal temp

Instructor >>if I eat 100 extra kcals of fat, will I gain more weight than if I ate 100 extra kcals of carbohydrate?

Chip >>Yes

Cinderella >>yes

Pluto >>yes

Snow White >>can you show us how to do a math problem?

Winnie the Pooh >>yes

Cinderella >>carbs take more energy to digest

Tigger >>no

Winnie the Pooh >>fat digestion is more efficient

Mickey Mouse >>Doesn’t matter

Mickey Mouse >>?

Snow White >>i don’t know

Instructor >>good...yes...because it takes more kcals to convert carbs to fat than fat to the net gain is greater with fat....

Cinderella >>does too matter

Mickey Mouse >>oh

Snow White >>ok!

Instructor >>In other words, if I eat 100 extra kcals of fat, it takes `7 kcals to convert the fat in food to the fat in your fat the net gain in fat energy is 93 kcals of fat.

Mickey Mouse >>ok thanks

Instructor >>if I eat 100 extra kcals of carbs, it takes about 30 kcals to convert the carbs in food to fat in your fat net gain in stored fat energy is about 70 kcals

Instructor >>Snow White.....what math were you thinking about?

Instructor >>On the test, you need to be able to calculate protein RDA and Body Mass Index.

Instructor >>YOu will not need to calculate estimated energy expenditure.

Cinderella >>protein RDA is .8g/kg

Cinderella >>right?

Instructor >> if a person is 150 pounds, what is their protein RDA?

Chip >>Protein is Weight in lbs x 2.2 x 0.8 = protein in grams?

Mickey Mouse >>150 x .8

Pluto >>74?

Instructor >>nope......

Cinderella >>54.5

Instructor >>good...

Snow White >>what Chip said

Instructor >>so 150 divided by 2.2 times 0.8

Mickey Mouse >>oh forgot to convert

Snow White >>150/2.2*.8

Chip >>Whoops

Instructor >>Chip is saying that we should multiply weight by 2.2 but we actually need to divide weight by 2.2 to convert from pounds to kilograms

Chip >>My bad

Instructor >>kilograms are bigger units than pounds

Instructor >>good...caught your own error

Chip >>I knew it was wrong as soon as I put it in the calculator ;=; Sorry

Eeyore >>: /

Mickey Mouse >>2.2lbs per kilo

Instructor >>so...lets try again. Bob is 235 pounds, what is his protein RDA?

Snow White >>235/2.2*.8

Chip >>85.5

Cinderella >>85.5

Tigger >>85

Tigger >>86

Snow White >>85

Eeyore >>85.4545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545

Mickey Mouse >>85.5

Instructor >>good

Snow White >>thanks prof. amy

Instructor >>what happens when your leptin levels go up?

Snow White >>you gain weight

Cinderella >>digest more fat

Snow White >>you don’t have a turn off for appetite

Instructor >>its a sign that you are gaining body fat for sure...but what message does it send

Chip >>Hunger

Cinderella >>feed me!!!

Donald Duck >>starvation

Snow White >>o i was wrong whoops

Mickey Mouse >>you wont feel full

Instructor >> as fat in the body increases, leptin increases and it sends a signal to turn ff hunger by stopping Neuropeptide appetite stimulant

Snow White >>you have no appetite

Instructor >>leptin up = appetite down.

Instructor >>leptin down = appetite up

Chip >>Crud

Cinderella >>oops

Instructor >>do obese folks routinely have low leptin levels?

Cinderella >>yes

Winnie the Pooh >>no

Chip >>No

Snow White >>yes

Cinderella >>lol

Pluto >>not sure

Chip >>It can be high, it might jst be that their body is no longer responding well

Snow White >>i like that

Instructor >>no...they tend to be normal or even why wouldn't a high leptin level result in lowered appetite and thus reduced eating in this population?

Mickey Mouse >>I think its messed up

Pluto >>the fat cells have enlarged ?

Winnie the Pooh >>body stops responding to them properly

Instructor >>as Chip stated......the leptin can't seem to deliver the message....the brain keeps making NPY despite the signal from leptin to stop.

Snow White >>tv

Cinderella >>ok, thx

Snow White >>oic

Instructor >>in some folks, the body is just resistant to the leptin message to stop eating.

Snow White >>oh

Instructor >>what is a normal waist circumference in a female?

Snow White >>35

Pluto >>below 35

Snow White >>under 35

Cinderella >><35

Instructor >>good.....this is probably a better measure of risk than BMI

Instructor >>children adopted at birth are more likely to look like their adopted or their biological parents in terms of body composition?

Winnie the Pooh >>biological

Cinderella >>biological parents

Snow White >>biological

Pluto >>biological parents

Eeyore >>dna

Instructor >>yea...amazing stuff...huh!

Cinderella >>very cool

Mickey Mouse >>maybe adopted

Snow White >>not if your parents are fat

Cinderella >>I have a ?

Instructor >>good point...go ahead Cinderella

Cinderella >>my hubby and I are both VERY large

Mickey Mouse >>sorry my bad

Cinderella >>our kids are all thin

Cinderella >>why?

Snow White >>they’re kids still probably

Mickey Mouse >>they get more exercise

Chip >>Skipped a generation?

Instructor >>they are young and you may be doing lots of things to promote healthy eating...and discourage over eating.....its a tough question

Instructor >>are both your parents and your husband's parents overweight?

Tigger >>your metabolism got slow over time

Cinderella >>one of each on both sides

Instructor >>were you both overweight as children?

Cinderella >>I wasn't

Eeyore >>i never understood the idea of metabolism slowing down as you get older

Cinderella >>I feed my emotions


Instructor >> Chip might be on to something....your kids might have gotten some of these genes

Tigger >>your metab slows up

Eeyore >>is your body working less to maintain itself?

Eeyore >>and that’s why you degenerate?

Instructor >>and genetics in your family may encourage weight gain as adults but not necessarily in younger years

Cinderella >>ok, ty

Instructor >>a slowed metabolism is certainly a major reason for the typical weight gain with age

Donald Duck >>also lifetyles

Instructor >>okay...a few questions on vits and mins

Instructor >>how do we categorize minerals

Cinderella >>macro and micro

Pluto >>as inorganic

Winnie the Pooh >>macrominerals and trace elements

Mickey Mouse >>micro or macrro

Dale >>how do we catagorize minerals

Mickey Mouse >>macro or trace elements

Instructor >>good...macrominerals or trace elements

Instructor >>what is the deficiency disease for vitamin C

Chip >>scurvy

Dale >>scurny

Mickey Mouse >>scurvy

Pluto >>scurvy\

Eeyore >>scurvy

Snow White >>scurvy

Tigger >>scurvy

Instructor >>what about iodine

Cinderella >>scurvy

Snow White >>goiter

Dale >>thyroid

Donald Duck >>wasn't that disease common among sailors?

Winnie the Pooh >>goiter

Pluto >>goiter

Tigger >>goiter

Cinderella >>goiter

Eeyore >>goiter

Mickey Mouse >>thyroid goiter

Instructor >>yes...scurvy was very common among sailors

Donald Duck >>they prevented it by eating more oranges

Instructor >>what about vitamin A

Winnie the Pooh >>xerophthalmia

Cinderella >>?

Snow White >>xwerophthalmia

Tigger >>no clue

Donald Duck >>quick q. what are symptoms/side effects of scurvy?

Dale >>forget

Mickey Mouse >>eye disease

Chip >>Blindness, poor night vision, poor skin condition

Instructor >> vitamin = scurvy, iodine = goiter and vitamin A = xerophthalmia....try spelling hat on the test. :-)

Snow White >>childhood blindness

Chip >>Scurvy is bad gums and joints are effected

Cinderella >>thank goodness for multiple choice tests

Instructor >>scurvy starts with a breakdown of gum tissue and then spreads to the whole (connective tissue) throughout the body breaks down

Snow White >>word up

Donald Duck >>ew..

Donald Duck >>so you can eventually die fro scurvy?

Instructor >>how can you increase the absorbability of non-heme iron?

Dale >>vitamin c

Chip >>Eat vitamin c with your meal

Snow White >>vit c

Mickey Mouse >>vit c

Cinderella >>orange juice

Donald Duck >>more fruits

Cinderella >>juice

Winnie the Pooh >>eating it with citrus acid

Tigger >>supplements

Instructor >>You will die if you do not get enough of any essential nutrient so you would indeed die of scurvy if untreated

Eeyore >>woah

Donald Duck >>oh, ok.

Snow White >>sounds painful

Instructor >> take some vitamin C with your non-heme iron

Instructor >> more

Instructor >>what is a secondary deficiency

Winnie the Pooh >>malabsorption

Dale >>absorption problems?

Cinderella >>body can't absorb

Chip >>When you are eating but not absorbing the nutrient

Pluto >>when it is caused from your body

Mickey Mouse >>pernicious anemia

Eeyore >>when your body is unable to absorb

Tigger >>can absorb the nutrients?

Instructor >>good....absorption eat the nutrient but you cannot absorb it.

Tigger >>cant*

Snow White >>unable to absorb

Instructor >>okay...any questions from you all before we call it an evening

Donald Duck >>none from me

Cinderella >>none for me, but ty for your time

Tigger >>when protien is changed inside the cell, what cell is that, muscles?

Dale >>can you spit out some protein questions reall quick like 2or 3

Pluto >>none for me. Thank you for the good review, Dr. A.

Donald Duck >>nice chat. thanks for everyone coming online to met up !

Mickey Mouse >>no but thank you!

Eeyore >>I feel a lot better about this test now. A here i come!

Instructor >>the liver is a major organ for converting one compound to converting amino acids to fat, etc.

Instructor >>other cells can do this as well as needed.

Donald Duck >>i'm going to study more. good nite all

Tigger >>ok

Tigger >>thank you

Mickey Mouse >>yeah thanks

Instructor >>Dale.... check out the transcript which will be posted later tonight as I spent about a half hour on proteins.

Pluto >>Good Night

Dale >>okay will do

Instructor >>The transcript can be accessed from the module 8 self assessment links

Dale >>good night everybody

Cinderella >>good nite everyone, on test and hope everyone has a great turkey day

Instructor >>you can chat here in this room anytime you want...feel free to use it

Instructor >>note that it is recorded....

Tigger >>oh ok

Tigger >>yeah

Tigger >>ok

Chip >>Thanks for the review Professor

Tigger >>goodnight everyone

Snow White >>thanks nite

Instructor >>good night...thanks for participating

Mickey Mouse >>thank you!