Chatting with the folks from Star Wars
*+**** Luke Skywalker entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 19:56:00 2007
*+**** Instructor-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 19:58:52 2007
Luke Skywalker >>hi..
Luke Skywalker >>I guess...we need to wait for other students..
Instructor >>Hi...not you have any questions or topics you want to focus on...
*+**** Obe-Wan Kenobe-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:00:18 2007
Luke Skywalker >>ok..At approximately what age do individuals reach peak bone mass?
Luke Skywalker >>is that 20's?
Luke Skywalker >>or..say early adulthood?
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Hello; forgot how to find the chat at first
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>30ish isn't it?
Instructor >>yes...somewhere between the late teens and early 30's depending on the person.
Instructor >>Glad you found us Obe-Wan...
Luke Skywalker >>vitamin D is classified as hormone because it is a regulator, and produce one body take action in different place?
Instructor >>yes.....that is is produced in one place and it has an action in a different place
Luke Skywalker >>what are some diet cancer links?
Instructor >>oh my...where do I start :-)
Instructor >>well.....colon cancer is linked to high meat intake, low calcium and folate intake
Instructor >>pancreatic cancer is linked to low vitamin D is ovarian and breast
Luke Skywalker >>high fat is risk of cancer colon rectal prostate.
Luke Skywalker >>reduce cancer by physical activity, fruit, and vegetable.
Instructor >>prostate cancer risk is reduced by eating lycopene and lycopene rich foods like tomatoes and watermelon
Luke Skywalker >>increase cancer will e high obesity , alcohol consumption, salted fish, hot dogs.
Instructor >>alcohol increases breast cancer, esophageal cancer, etc
Luke Skywalker >>do we need to know all specific?
Instructor >>good...between the two of us ...we have identified plenty
Instructor >>no....
*+**** Lando Calrissian-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:05:20 2007
*+**** Chewbacca-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:05:25 2007
Instructor >>okay....shall I throw out questions and you can answer....and you can throw out questions as you desire as well.
Lando Calrissian >>hi, sorry I'm late
Instructor >>Hi Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian...its Amy Allen-Chabot here as instructor
Chewbacca >>Hello everyone
Instructor >>okay.......what is a cofactor
Chewbacca >>coenzyme?
Lando Calrissian >>aids absorption of another nutrient?
Instructor >>oh...okay....well....what is a coenzyme
Lando Calrissian >>substance that activates an enzyme
Chewbacca >>are those terms interchangeable
Luke Skywalker >>substances that activate enzymes
Instructor >> is a substance that activates and enzyme and it contains a vitamin. A cofactor is a compound that has similar function but contains a mineral....sorry about that
Chewbacca >>no worries
Instructor >>what type of reactions do B vitamins participate in as part of coenzymes?
Lando Calrissian >>aid in use of macronutrients
Lando Calrissian >>getting energy from them
Instructor >>right...extracting energy from macronutrients ...or "metabolism"
Instructor >>what is a phytochemical?
Chewbacca >>antioxidant
Luke Skywalker >>antioxidant?
Lando Calrissian >>an antioxidant
Instructor >>possibly....but not necessarily
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Helpful chemical in food, but not a vitamin or mineral. Necessary for optimal health?
Chewbacca >>in plants that have protective effects, not essential
Instructor >>many photochemical are antioxidants .....but phytochemical just means "compound in plants that has beneficial properties related to health....right Obe-Wan Kenobe
Instructor >>How does osteomalacia differ from and contrast these two disorders....
Lando Calrissian >>osteomalacia-calcium pulled out, soft bones
Chewbacca >>Osteomalacia - soft bones, bones will bend Osteoporosis, bones will break
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Osteomalacia is related to poor calcium deposits but the protein matrix is fine
Luke Skywalker >>osteomalcia= vitamin D deficient, bent leg, loss of bone minerals but not structure
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>In Osteoporosis both the calcium deposits and protein matrix are compromised
Lando Calrissian >>osteoporosis- brittle bones, also loses calcium and proteins
Luke Skywalker >>osteoporosis= many causes, broken leg, loss mineral, protein structure
Instructor >>good......
Instructor >>what about populations which gets these it similar
Luke Skywalker >>older
Chewbacca >>Osteomalacia in children, Osteoporosis in the elderly
Lando Calrissian >>rickets in children
Instructor >>rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults
Luke Skywalker >>i thought osteomalacia in adults.
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Osteomalacia is seen in children and osteoporosis commonly affects the elderly, especially women
Lando Calrissian >>osteomalacia is adults
Chewbacca >>sorry, rickets in children
Luke Skywalker >>rickets are in children
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Oops
Instructor >>so...both in adults...and usually older adults and often women
Instructor >>which is more common?
Chewbacca >>osteoporosis
Lando Calrissian >>osteoporosis
Luke Skywalker >>osteoporosis
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Osteoporosis
*+**** R2D2-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:13:24 2007
Instructor >>right....which is multifactorial (many factors influence risk) and which has one identifiable cause.
Lando Calrissian >>osteoporosis
Chewbacca >>same
Luke Skywalker >>osteoporosis
Lando Calrissian >>many factors is osteoporosis
Chewbacca >>I meant Osteoporosis
Lando Calrissian >>Lack of Vit D in other
Instructor >> osteoporosis is multifactorial and osteomalacia is lack of vitamin D
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Osteoporosis has many factors involved, osteomalacia is directly linked to a nutrient deficiency
Instructor >>who might be at most risk of osteomalacia....based on the recognition that it is a vitamin D deficiency
Lando Calrissian >>people w/ dark skin
R2D2 >>those with darker skin
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Places with little sun
Lando Calrissian >>or live in severe northern climates?
Chewbacca >>poor absorption, little exposure to sunlight,
Lando Calrissian >>no exposure to sun
Instructor >> darker pigmented skin, folks who live in very northern areas, folks who never get outdoors or wear tons of sunscreen
Lando Calrissian >>children w/ overprotective mom's
Instructor >>where might we find the protein calbindin??
Luke Skywalker >>intestinal track cell?
Instructor >>:-)....yea...we really lather up those kids with sunscreen...
Instructor >>good...intestinal tract cell...what is its role?
Luke Skywalker >>pick up calcium ?
Chewbacca >>to shuttle calcium across to the blood
Luke Skywalker >>and go in to blood stream?
Instructor >>good.....
Instructor >>what is vitamin K'
Instructor >>vitamin K's role in blood health
Chewbacca >>bloodclotting
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Helps clotting
Instructor >>good....what other nutrient is involved??
R2D2 >>blood
Luke Skywalker >>helps clotting
Luke Skywalker >>calcium
Lando Calrissian >>blood clotting
Lando Calrissian >>calcium
Chewbacca >>calcium
Instructor >> calcium and vitamin K in blood clotting.
*-**** Obe-Wan Kenobe-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:18:14 2007
Instructor >>what are the red blood cells like in microcytic anemia?
Lando Calrissian >>small
Chewbacca >>pale and small
Instructor >>good.....what is folate's role in blood health
Luke Skywalker >>need for DNA replication
R2D2 >>energy metabolism
Lando Calrissian >>dividing cells
Luke Skywalker >>cell can't divide without folate..
Instructor >>right....what is its role in DNA synthesis and thus cell division
*+**** Obe-Wan Kenobe-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:20:09 2007
*+**** Yoda-- entered ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:20:30 2007
Luke Skywalker >>donate carbon?
Instructor >>right...very is a single carbon donates a carbon to the production process for DNA so that a copy of the DNA can be made and the cell can divide
Instructor >>since red blood cells are rapidly dividing cells...a lack of folate (or B-12) quickly leads to fewer red blood cells
Instructor >>what is this condition called??
Chewbacca >>anemia
Luke Skywalker >>macrocytic anemia
Instructor >>be specific....
Instructor >>good
Lando Calrissian >>megaloblastic anemia
R2D2 >>megaloblastic anemia
Instructor >>yes...macrocytic anemia is another name for megaloblastic anemia
Instructor >>what is a free radical
Lando Calrissian >>Hi L
Luke Skywalker >>atom or molecule
Lando Calrissian >>unpaired electron
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Usually oxygen
Luke Skywalker >>steal electrons from other compounds
R2D2 >>a compound that is unpaired
Chewbacca >>atom or molecule missing electrons
Luke Skywalker >>unstable.
Lando Calrissian >>atom or molecule w/ unpaired electron
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Missing one of the paired electrons in the valence
Instructor >>good....a compound or element missing an electron...causing it to be very unstable and steal electrons from neighboring compounds
Instructor >>what two processes inside the body cause significant free radical formation
Luke Skywalker >>metabolism, immune
Lando Calrissian >>metabolism and immune system
Chewbacca >>metabolism and immune system
Instructor >>good........can't do without either one of those wo what should we do to protect ourselves
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Metabolism from breaking down macronutrients, and immune system from destroying viruses
Chewbacca >>consume antioxidants
Lando Calrissian >>consume anti oxidants
Yoda >>Hi sorry I am late.
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Eat plenty of fruit and veggies, as usual
R2D2 >>consume vitamin c and D
Instructor >> lots of antioxidant rich foods......
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Pills won't help because there's a lot more in the food than in the pill
Instructor >>right...supplements have been very disappointing in this regard....they almost uniformly show no need to eat the actual foods
Instructor >>what constitutes high blood pressure?
Yoda >>bp of 140/90
Chewbacca >>>140/90
R2D2 >>140/90
Luke Skywalker >>140/90 or higher
Lando Calrissian >>systolic >140, diastolic >90
Instructor >>yep.......what is the problem with high blood what if its high??
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Pre hypertension is 130/90 and up until 140/90 which is hypertension
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Increased risk of stroke
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>risk*
Lando Calrissian >>damage blood vessels
Chewbacca >>It causes the heart to work so much harder and puts more pressure on the whole system
Luke Skywalker >>cardiovascular disease
R2D2 >>or heart attack
Yoda >>twice a likey to suffer heart attack or stroke
Instructor >>exactly.....significant increase in stroke...ongoing damage to blood vessels
Luke Skywalker >>heart attack, stroke
Instructor >>also possible damage to kidneys
Instructor >>what three minerals are important in lowering risk of hypertension
Lando Calrissian >>Ca, K, Magnesium
Chewbacca >>potassium, magnesium, calcium
R2D2 >>pot, mag, calcium
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Calcium, magnesium, Potassium
Luke Skywalker >>potassium, magnesium, calcium
Instructor >>good....what is the role of an osteoclast?
Yoda >>k mg, and Ca
Lando Calrissian >>tear done bone
Luke Skywalker >>cells that break down bone
Chewbacca >>to break down bone
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>To take calcium from bone and put it in the blood stream
Yoda >>to break down bone
Instructor >>good...what is hydroxyapatite made of?
Lando Calrissian >>puts Ca back in blood
R2D2 >>phos and calcium
Luke Skywalker >>calcium, phosphorus
Yoda >>crystals of Ph and Ca
Instructor >>good...okay ...lets switch to pregnancy and lactation
Instructor >>what is the definition for an embryo?
Lando Calrissian >>< 8wks
Luke Skywalker >>3-8weeks
Chewbacca >>week 3 to 8
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Older than 2 weeks but less than 8 wks
R2D2 >>3-8 week
Yoda >>week 3 to 8
Instructor >>right...what is the developing life called from conception to 2 weeks
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Zygote
Lando Calrissian >>zygote
Chewbacca >>zygote
R2D2 >>zygote
Luke Skywalker >>zygote
Instructor >>what is meant by "critical period" in a pregnancy?
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Stages of most rapid development, like the first trimester
Lando Calrissian >>first 12 weeks where trauma will be impossible to recover from
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Because cells are rapidly splitting
Luke Skywalker >>~12 weeks of pregnancy, it insult at this time can not be overcome
R2D2 >>the first few weeks when conditions could cause defects
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>By the end of the first trimester, the baby has most major organs established
Chewbacca >>first trimester
Instructor >> critical period is a period where an insult to the pregnancy could cause permanent harm
Instructor >>and the first trimester is a particularly critical period
Instructor >>which increases more in pregnancy.....kcalories or iron needs
Lando Calrissian >>iron
R2D2 >>iron needs
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Iron
Chewbacca >>iron
Luke Skywalker >>iron
Yoda >>iron needs
Instructor >>good! Why is folate so important early in a pregnancy
Lando Calrissian >>because of need for cell division
Chewbacca >>prevents birth defects
Luke Skywalker >>necessary for cell division
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Folate decreases incidence of neural tube defects
Instructor >>good
Lando Calrissian >>otherwise may have neural tube defects
R2D2 >>helps to prevent neural tube defects
Instructor >>what are the two more common neural tube defects?
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>spina bifida
R2D2 >>spina bifida
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Cephalo...
Lando Calrissian >>spina bifida and anencephaly
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Oops
Yoda >>spina bifida and
R2D2 >>also anencephaly
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Can you please break down the latin in that word?
Instructor >> are these two defects different
Chewbacca >>spina bifida and anencepahly, I always get stuck on that one
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>I know cepha relates to head
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Anencephaly, only the brain stem forms.
R2D2 >>anencephaly is where part of the brain is missing
Lando Calrissian >>spina bifida in lower spin
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Infant mortality rate is 100%
Luke Skywalker >>spina bifida= spinal vertebrae filed to close completely
Lando Calrissian >>anencephaly - missing part of brain
Instructor >>good....infant mortality rate is 100% for anencephaly
Instructor >>good
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Spina bifida affects the spinal column and the spinal cord
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Paralysis is common
Instructor >>what three symptoms tell us that a mom is experiencing pre-eclampsia
R2D2 >>high blood pressure
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Edema
Lando Calrissian >>High BP, protein in urine, swelling
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Vomiting diarrhea and fever
Chewbacca >>fluid retension, high bp
Yoda >>high bp edema and protein in urine
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Protein in pee
Luke Skywalker >>high bP , protien in urine, edema
Instructor >>good...edema (whole body), protein in urine and high blood pressure...those are the telltale signs
Instructor >>when might a woman get this in a pregnancy?
Lando Calrissian >>last trimester
Yoda >>3rd trimester
Luke Skywalker >>in the third trimester of a woman's first pregnancy
R2D2 >>near the end of pregnancy
Chewbacca >>third trimester
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>First pregnancy and if it runs in either man or woman’s family
Instructor >>right....
Lando Calrissian >>cant it be any pregnancy?
Instructor >>it could be...its just more common in the frist pregnancy
Lando Calrissian >>ok, ty
R2D2 >>
Instructor >>what is the protein RDA for pregnant and lactating women
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>1.1/kg
Chewbacca >>1.1g/kw
Lando Calrissian >>1.1/kg
R2D2 >>1.1 for pregnant and 1.3 for lactating
Lando Calrissian >>1.1g
Luke Skywalker >>1.1g/kgbody weight
Instructor >>quite right......
Yoda >>1.1 g p kg
Instructor >>what role does oxytocin play in breastfeeding?
Chewbacca >>it releases the milk
R2D2 >>it releases the milk from the breast
Yoda >>release of milk
Lando Calrissian >>signals release of milk
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Releases milk
Instructor >>good...also triggers the woman's uterus to contract which helps get her back to her pre-pregnancy state
Instructor >>where does prolactin come from?
Chewbacca >>pituitary gland
Lando Calrissian >>pituitary
Luke Skywalker >>pituitary
Instructor >>quite right.....
Instructor >>why do women with gestational diabetes end up having larger babies?
Yoda >>hypothalamus signals pit to
Lando Calrissian >>uptake of glucose
Luke Skywalker >>develop high blood sugar when pregnant...
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Babies absorb sugar and grow quickly
Instructor >>right...the mom can't move the glucose into her cells so it stays high in the blood
Instructor >>then the glucose travels to the fetus who has no difficulty moving glucose into the blood
Instructor >>I mean the cell
Instructor >>long day......
Lando Calrissian >>me too
R2D2 >>yes...
Luke Skywalker >>yeh.
Instructor >>so the fetus gets all that extra glucose and moves it into the cells which promotes growth and fat deposits
Instructor >>why do we avoid honey in the first year of life
Lando Calrissian >>botulism
Lando Calrissian >>infantile
Chewbacca >>possible botulism
Instructor >>right....
Instructor >>what supplement will babies get right at birth?
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>K
Chewbacca >>vitamin k
Yoda >>itis a deadly bacteria
Luke Skywalker >>vitamin K
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Because they have no friendly bacteria yet in the lower intestine
Yoda >>
R2D2 >>
Lando Calrissian >>vit k
Instructor >>and what other supplement is recommended for breast fed infants
Yoda >>vit k
Chewbacca >>vitamin D?
R2D2 >>vitamin d
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>D
Instructor >>quite right
Lando Calrissian >>vit d, flouride, b12 in vegetarian moms
Yoda >>vit d
Luke Skywalker >>vitamin D, vitamin b12
Yoda >>fluoride
Yoda >>b 12
Luke Skywalker >>fluoride,
Instructor >>when might b-12 be important
Lando Calrissian >>if mom is a vegetarian
R2D2 >>when a mother is a veg
Luke Skywalker >>mother is vegetarian
Chewbacca >>when a vegetarian
Instructor >>right...and what about flouride
Luke Skywalker >>if water is not fluoridated
Lando Calrissian >>not in breast milk, needed for teeth
Yoda >>if water is not fluorinated
Chewbacca >>when they consume water from a well and the ppm is lower
Instructor >>right.....if water is not flouridated
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>What are other sources of fluoride?
Lando Calrissian >>I am on a well :)
Yoda >>PILLS
Instructor >>what are some steps you can take to avoid listeriosis when pregnant
Chewbacca >>check your ppm of fluoride in the water
Instructor >>toothpaste is another source. Some bottled water has flouride
Chewbacca >>do not eat hotdogs, or cold cuts
Luke Skywalker >>wash salads.
Lando Calrissian >>wash veggies well
Yoda >>wash salads
R2D2 >>not eat deli meats
Luke Skywalker >>heal all meats
Yoda >>heat deli meats
R2D2 >>heat all deli meats and wash salad greens
Yoda >>avoid unpast cheese
Lando Calrissian >>no unpasteurized dairy
Instructor >>good....what fish should you avoid during pregnancy and why??
Lando Calrissian >>predators because of concentrated mercury
Chewbacca >>shark, tuna higher mercury
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Big predators
Luke Skywalker >>tuna..
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Shark, swordfish, king mackeral
R2D2 >>large predators because they contain mercury
Lando Calrissian >>tuna no more than one can / week
Luke Skywalker >>because of mercury...which lead to severe nervous system damage
Instructor >>tuna is okay in moderate least according to the FDA and a current study supports this
Instructor >>good....tile fish too......
Lando Calrissian >>what is tile fish?
Instructor >>when should you introduce solid foods
R2D2 >>thank you Lando Calrissian, I haven't heard of them
Instructor >>(semi-solid foods)
Yoda >>4 to6 months
Lando Calrissian >>at age 4-6 months
R2D2 >>by 5 months
Luke Skywalker >>first year
Instructor >>(I don't know ....I've never had tile fish...but they are big predator least that is what I have read)
Chewbacca >>4-6 months'
Instructor >> 4 to 6 months.....what food should you start with
R2D2 >>cereal
Lando Calrissian >>rice cereal
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>
Chewbacca >>cereal mixed in the milk
Lando Calrissian >>ty Obe-Wan Kenobe
Yoda >>hihg in iron and vit c
Instructor >>thanks Dez,,,,,,
Instructor >>good..iron fortified cereal
Instructor >>why does the pregnant woman need so much iron??
Chewbacca >>blood volume increases
Lando Calrissian >>her blood volume increases
R2D2 >>for herself and the baby
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Producing blood for baby as well, and her own blood needs increase
Lando Calrissian >>baby needs for his/her blood
Instructor >>one more reason
Yoda >>fetus needs to store iron
Lando Calrissian >>baby needs 3-6 month store for birth
R2D2 >>yes, because it won't get any when being breast feed
Instructor >> mom's blood, fetuses blood and stored iron for baby for first 4-6 months of life
Instructor >>there is some iron in breastmilk but not much...the good thing is that it is very absorbable compared to formula so it is better tolerated by the infant
Instructor >>what sort of trend on a growth chart might cause alarm??
R2D2 >>not enough weight for age and height?
Lando Calrissian >>height and weight don’t match
Chewbacca >>if the baby falls below the 50th percentile?
Lando Calrissian >>increasing height w/o increasing weight
Instructor >> usually its when there is a major change.....for example, a child is charting at the 70th percentile for the first year then falls to the 50th percentile and then to the 25th percentile.
Lando Calrissian >>failure to thrive
Instructor >>or perhaps the child is charting at the 50th percentile for weight for age and then jumpts to the 75th and then to the 90th.
Instructor >>what is likely happening here
Lando Calrissian >>over feeding in second case?
Chewbacca >>over feeding with to many calories
Yoda >>growing rapidly due to over nutrition
Instructor >>possibly.....especially if weight is increasing much faster than height...right?
Instructor >>they estimated my babies head circumference in utero every three days for the last trimester because it was so much over the 100th percentile....but it turned out to be okay...he just has his Daddy's big head
Instructor >>still does....can't find a hat that fits him
Chewbacca >>My son was the same...
Lando Calrissian >>mine too, 2nd baby was 10lbs, 6oz
Instructor >>OUCH
Lando Calrissian >>24"
Chewbacca >>you poor woman
Instructor >>gees
Instructor >>okay ladies.....any other questions for me this evening?
Lando Calrissian >>due valentines by ultrasound, induced march 10th
Instructor >>ah.....that explains a bit of it
Lando Calrissian >>no, thank you for the chat
Chewbacca >>no, good to go
R2D2 >>Thank you Dr. Amy
Instructor >> bet.
Luke Skywalker >>thanks...
Chewbacca >>Thanks and good night'
Obe-Wan Kenobe >>Thanks, goodnight
Lando Calrissian >>I know, I didn't have gestational diabetes or anything
*-**** Obe-Wan Kenobe-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 20:59:14 2007
Luke Skywalker >>so when will we have another chat?
Instructor >>go figure....they don't let people go much past their due dates anymore
Luke Skywalker >>on sunday?
Luke Skywalker >>8 o'clock?
Instructor >>sunday night is our last chat
Instructor >>yep
R2D2 >>Thank you for all your help
Lando Calrissian >>when will test be open?
Instructor >>depends on your teacher....mine opens tommorrow
*-**** Chewbacca-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 21:00:24 2007
Lando Calrissian >>ok, I think mine too
Lando Calrissian >>have a good night
Instructor >>most likely
Instructor >>have a good one.....
*-**** Lando Calrissian-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 21:00:51 2007
Luke Skywalker >>ok...... thanks for helping..and good night.
*-**** Instructor-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 21:01:06 2007
*-**** R2D2-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 21:01:09 2007
*-**** Luke Skywalker left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 21:01:13 2007
*-**** Yoda-- left ANPH0002007FA_Room3. Time:Thu Dec 6 21:02:46 2007
Session in ANPH0002007FA_Room3 ended (all participants have left).
Time: Thu Dec 6 21:02:46 2007