
Here we take 50 samples of size thirty from a uniform population on [1,5] and compute the means of the samples.

> u:=samplemeansUniform(1,5,30,50);

This uniform distribution has a mean of 3.
and a standard deviation of 1.154700539
Here are means of 50 random samples
of size 30 from this distribution.

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[Maple Math]

Here are some basic statistics for these means followed by a histogram.

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> tu:=basicstats(u,1);

statistics                  calculated values           
count                          50                         
mean                           2.964757726                
median                         2.972008309                
mode                          no mode                     
range                          2.454975466..3.450102968   
sample std dev                 .2244880120                
3rd quartile                   3.083203689                
1st quartile                   2.794465651                 

> freqhistogram(u,7,` `,blue);

[Maple Plot]

You can work with several discrete distributions or you can create your own. Here is a user defined distribution.

> discreteprobdist([[0,1,2,3,4],[0.1,0.2,0.2,0.1,0.4]]);

 x      prob(x)       x*prob(x)    ((x - mean)^2)*prob(x)  
0     .1             0                 .625                      
1.    .2             .2                .450                      
2.    .2             .4                .50E-1                    
3.    .1             .3                .25E-1                    
4.    .4             1.6               .900                      
SUM   1.0            2.5               2.050                     
                     mean              variance                  
                                       standard deviation        

Here is a histogram with a normal curve superimposed.

> binomhistogram(20,.4, 1);

[Maple Plot]

You can work with continuous distributions.

> n:=normaldist(0,1);

[Maple Math]

> tf:=tdist(8);

[Maple Math]

> plot([tf(x),n(x)],x=-3..3,title=`Normal in blue t with df=8 in red`,color=[red,blue]);

[Maple Plot]

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