Student Help - General |
- General sources of help for science courses |
Student Help - CHE 111 |
- Dr. Tracey's CHE 111 Review Pages |
- Step By Step Chemistry - a website to help with the very basics of chemistry, developed by Drs. Tracey, Casey and Barbour |
- Q&A Sheets for CHE 111 |
- Advice from former CHE 111 students |
Student Help - CHE 111 and 112 |
- Lists of Cations and Anions to know |
Student Help - CHE 112 |
- Q&A Sheets for CHE 112 |
- Significant Figures with Logarithms |
- Calculator Programs (including quadratic equation) from Professor Donna Krawczyk of the University of Arizona |
last modified 3 September 2011