Maple Information  

There are now three ways to do your Maple assignments

1. Use the computers on campus 2. Buy the Maple Software  and install it on your computer. 3. From your own computer, remotely access the Maple program on the College Server.
For the on-line classes, go to the
"Maple Assignments for 192" link or
"Maple Assignments for 201" link as appropriate.

For the on-campus classes, go to the Math 192 WelcomesPage or the  Math 201 Welcome Page.

Click the link to the desired Maple worksheet.


Maple Purchase Discount Handout F16.pdf

Installing a purchased copy of Maple


Installing the Citrix Receiver.docx

Opening Worksheets with Remote Access

If you can't get onto Maple  through Citrix (Receiver) above, here's the former way to get into Maple using Citrix (XenApps):

Instructions for Remote Access using Citrix XenApps

Submitting a Maple assignment for a grade